Version 8.7.3
ThinMan is a Praim graphical software tool designed to perform the management and the monitoring of remote devices connected to a network. ThinMan interacts with remote devices on a network directly from the PC workstation or the server where it is installed.
The software, through an interactive window, allows easy graphical management of the network devices.
Below it is shown the ThinMan Local Console.
ThinMan Praim webpage
Did you already read the Praim webpage dedicated to ThinMan Click on to obtain more information and to download demo and datasheet.
The main operations a user may do can be summarized as follows:
Many symbols are used to graphically represent information of objects. The icons define object types while a colored circle(next to the icon) defines the status of the object.
Here you can find the list of the most used symbols appearing in the ThinMan graphical user interface with the corresponding description.
ThinMan is composed by the classic three-tier architecture:
By using the Console, users and administrators may interact with the ThinMan Server performing certain operations on the devices.
Devices instead, communicate with the ThinMan Server to update their status that will be visible on the user console.
All data will be persistently saved on the database (a DBMS is not strictly required, for more information about database see ThinMan Operation Modes.
ThinMan Server is further divided into three different components that are Microsoft Windows Services (for more information you can see How to Stop and Start ThinMan Services
There are three different categories of consoles: Local Console, Remote Console, and Web Console. The possibility to use each type depends on the specific ThinMan license. See License Versions Comparison to find more information.
The Local Console is installed in the same host where ThinMan Server resides, and can also be executed in multiple instances by multiple users at the same time.
The Remote Console needs to be installed in a different host from where the ThinMan Server resides (e.g. a portable PC). There can be multiple users at the same time using Remote Console.
The Web Console is a Web-based user interface that can be reached from a browser merely pointing to https://<ThinMan_Server_IP_or_hostaneme>/ and then click on "Login to ThinMan Web Console" link. It can be used by multiple users at the same time.
ThinMan Server can be protected from unauthorized access using the ThinMan Access Control.
All the data about Thin Client (e.g., configurations, connections, profiling, status and so on) are stored in the database and can be sent or received through the ThinMan Server. Sending and retrieving information can be manually done from users (using the console) or can be executed automatically (depending on configuration) directly from ThinMan Server.
ThinMan can contact and collect data from the devices in the branch offices through the ThinMan Gateway; see ThinMan Gateway User Guide and ThinMan: Gateways Management links for more information.
The devices can be safeguarded when they start with a user login operation and with a smart card device; see How to protect the Thin Client with ThinMan Login and Smart Identity links for more information.
ThinMan can be installed on these supported Operating Systems in both 32 or 64 bit architecture:
All this O.S. can be installed on physical hardware or in a virtual machine environment.
Your system must meet the following requirements:
For every ThinOX device consider 10 MB plus of disk space.
For every ThinOX firmware version to install with scheduled activities or event activities consider 500 MB plus of disk space.
For every ThinOX Profile consider 10 MB plus of disk space.
For every XPe device who will backup or cloned, consider 2 GB plus of disk space (worst-case scenario, consider using a shared directory on a file server).
For every WES7 device who will backup or cloned, consider 4/8 GB plus of disk space depending on DOM size (worst-case scenario, consider using a shared directory on a file server).
For every Windows 10 IoT firmware image that you need to distribute to other devices consider from 13 to 64 GB plus of disk space. This will depend on how much space is needed by every images you will capture in terms of space needed by the operating system and space used by the installation of local software on the device (see Device Images Manager Menu and Contextual Menu - Device Update (Windows Devices only)) for more information). This space is needed on the ThinMan server.
Starting from version 8.1.0 ThinMan server is compiled for 64-bit architecture. 32-bit version is released for convenience, but in the near future it may no longer be released.
Menus & Toolbar
Check also the How-To section.
Check also the Frequency Asked Questions section.