This article explains how to organise endpoint devices using Groups. These are containers that can be associated to Network ranges which allow for automatic device assignment or by using manual group creation and device assignment. Using groups assists with the administration of end point devices through profiles, day-to-day support tasks and with the application of updates and routine activities
ThinMan Groups can provide a manual or automated method to organise devices. Groups can reflect organisational as well as geographical definition and can be nested too. This procedure will explain how to create groups and how to manually assign devices to the group and how to make groups auto-populate.
From the ThinMan console, right-click Devices and from the resulting menu select Add Group.
The Group Name addition dialogue box opens.
Add the group name.
Next, it will be asked if you want to associate the recently created group to an IP range.
When selecting Yes, the IP Range Properties window will open. For more information, read how to add automatically devices to a Group.
Right-click on a device and select the Move To option.
The Group Selection menu will open, select the desired group and click on OK.
Multiple devices can be moved by selecting devices with the Shift key and right clicking on them.
The first time you install the console, this will detect all Praim endpoints present on the network and will appear automatically under the Devices tree.
To automatically assign devices to a group, you need to define IP ranges under the Network tree
Right-click on the Network tree and select Add IP Range.
You can also Add an IP Range right after creating a Group. This will the window shown below.
Click on Add IP Address.
Enter the IP address details:
Click on OK to create the IP Range.
If the IP Range is created and not associated to a group, a warning will be shown on the console.
Right-click on the network range and select Associate to a group.
Select the desired group and click on OK.
On the next reboot, the devices will move to the corresponding group depending on their IP address.
It is also possible to use the Reorganize functionality from the Devices Contextual Menu to move devices to groups based on theur IP address.
To further define how devices are automatically added to a group, select General Options from the Tools menu:
Or right-click on the Devices tree and select View Details:
Select the Network tab:
The default setting is set to ALWAYS.