Right click on a Group and select Properties or select a Group and press the F2 key. Properties for a Group are divided into two tabs: IP Range and Option.
You can associate IP Ranges (see Network) to the Group of devices, by simply selecting the IP Ranges in the list.
You can define a new IP Range by clicking on "Add IP Range" button or through the Network tree.
A Group can be associated to many IP Ranges.
Only associated IP Ranges are browsed by ThinMan Server (see Network Browsing and Device Refreshing).
This tab allows to define the default visualization mode for a device group (not for virtual desktops group) and to eventually associate a bitmap. Bitmap is used ONLY in "Large Icons" and "Small Icons" mode.
Possible values for the "Default View Mode":
For a detailed graphical representation of these modes see View Menu.
For Icons mode (Large and Small) you may "Set Background Image". If the option is flagged you can select an image from the list or browse for a new image by clicking on "Import".
By flagging "Set Remap Icons" device icons can be moved in the view area.
By flagging "Lock Remap" icons are freezed in the last position.
Click on "Reset" button to restore default values.