On the image below, it is shown all the commands available through the contextual menu (right-click) on a device.
ThinMan can export to and load from a device the configuration in its local environment. This local configuration is called the Offline Configuration and is locally available on the ThinMan.
Only on ThinOX devices, when the configuration is read from the device (receive from device), the Offline Configuration (resident on ThinMan Server) can be modified through the Connection Manager, Device Settings and Certificate Manager.
Not all features can be modified on an offline configuration
Be aware that not all features can be modified on an offline configuration. E.g. password security, multimonitor configuration, among others. For this reason, we suggest to configure a device locally to later save its configuration as a template that can be used to create a device profile.
The Offline Configuration is not automatically synchronized on the device so eventually modified parameters are stored only in the ThinMan Server. Remember to send to the device the Offline Configuration after the modification is done.
The Offline configuration can also be saved as Template (see Template Repository Menu).
Moreover, a Template can be imported into the Offline Configuration (import from template).
Finally, it is also possible to use the Offline Configuration to create a Policy (Add new Device Policy, Add new User Policy) with a single click.
Use this command to load the current configuration available on the device into the ThinMan Offline Configuration. Once executed, wait until the operation is completed.
Now the attribute Offline Configuration on the device is set to Yes to indicate that the Offline Configuration is available and it will also specify which is the Family of the Configuration. The connections will be visible on the section Devices of the ThinMan Tree Area, rigth below the device.
The Family of a configuration indicates the compatibility between configurations. The configurations that belong to the same Family can be used on devices of the same Family.
For ThinOX models, you can now modify the connections of the Offline Configuration through the Connection Manager or the device properties through the Device Settings.
You can see all the connections of a device by clicking on the "+" icon (appearing next to the device on the left side tree of the console) whereas the "-" icon will hide them. The center area will show the connections related to the selected thin client.
Changes in the Offline Configuration are not automatically synchronized to the device. Use Send to Device command to send the offline modified configuration to the device.
This command is available only on ThinOX models and allows to send an Offline Configuration to a device. Note that an Offline Configuration can be modified (see Connection Manager for ThinOX or Device Settings for ThinOX) or imported from a Template (see below Import from Template).
This command is not available for Agile devices. Use the Configuration Profile for Devices to automatically distribute a configuration on these devices. To use this feature save the Offline Configuration on a Template (see below) or create the policy with the One Click Policy Creation command.
Sending the configuration will synchronize the Offline Configuration (present in the ThinMan Server) to the device configuration. This operation will reboot the device.
In case the device is associated with a Device Policy, ThinMan warns that the configuration will be probably overwritten by the Profiles Manager. Click on Yes whether you want to send the configuration anyway.
This command is available only on ThinOX models. By selecting "Connection Manager" the user can modify connections on a device's offline configuration.
This window is the same as it appears on the device (see ThinOX - Connections Manager for more information). Commands and parameters depend on device model and firmware.
If ThinMan has never received the configuration, it will ask to load it prior to modify the connections. In any case is preferable to receive the configuration from the device to ensure that the device configuration is aligned witht the ThinMan offline configuration.
Important Note
When you modify connections on ThinMan please remember that you are working on a ThinMan local configuration, whereby all modified parameters are not sent immediately to the device (but are stored locally in the ThinMan in the Offline Configuration). You have to explicitly send the Offline Configuration to the device in order to align the ThinMan local configuration on the device (see Send to Device).
Local saved Offline Configuration can also be saved in the Template Repository (see Template Repository Menu) for future use (e.g. ThinMan Profile Manager will make large use of templates).
This command is available only on ThinOX models.
By selecting Device Settings the user can modify the settings parameters on a device.
ThinOX Settings - Security - Password
Be aware, not all parameters can be modified from the offline configurator. E.g. Settings - Security - Password.
The password can be modified only on the physical station.
If the Offline Configuration is not already loaded, the ThinMan will ask to load it with this window. Click on Yes to load the configuration from the device.
Loading the configuration will load the connections and the parameters configured on the device at that moment.
Once you load the Offline Configuration, it is stored on the ThinMan. If you change manually the configuration on the device after ThinMan received the offline-configuration, you will be editing an Offline-Configuration that is not aligned with the real configuration of the device.To prevent this situation we suggest to always load the configuration of the device into the Offline Configuration (see Receive from Device), change it and then apply the changed Offline Configuration using Send to Device.
Once the configuration is loaded, a window will allow to change the parameters.
After changing the parameters be sure to send the changed configuration to the device (see Send to Device).
This command is available only on ThinOX models.
This command allows to import to or remove the certificate files from ThinMan offline configuration .
By clicking on the Add button, a explorer window will be opened where you can select certificate files (multiple files selection is allowed).
Clicking on Open will prepare the interface to copy files in the underlying device configuration (offline, template or configuration set). Clicking on OK in the main window will save certificate and configuration files on underlying device configuration.
Once the certificate file is inserted in the ThinMan offline configuration, it can be sent to the device.
This command is available only on ThinOX models.
A Template is a file where a configuration is stored.
An Offline Configuration can be modified by importing a Template. Templates are managed via Template Repository Menu and can be created with the Save as Template operation.
Confirmation is requested reminding that the local Offline Configuration will be overwritten. Click "Yes" to continue.
Select the Template to import into the Offline Configuration from the Template Repository.
Once the template is imported into the Offline Configuration, ThinMan will ask whether you want to send the Offline Configuration immediately to the device or not (only for ThinOX devices).
If you click "No" the Offline Configuration is modified only locally into the ThinMan Server. To synchronize and modify the configuration on the device, you can either selected "Yes" or use the Send to Device feature.
The Offline Configuration of a device can be saved as a Template. Templates are managed using the Template Repository Menu and are necessary for the Profiles Manager (see ThinMan Profile Manager).
They can also be used in conjunction with Import from Template to copy configuration and connections from one device to others.
Once the command is launched notify you that the Offline Configuration is saved to the Template (if you want to save the actual device configuration you must Receive the Offline Configuration from Device before this command).
Click on Yes to proceed.
The Template Repository is shown. Insert a name for the Template and optionally a note, click on "OK" to save the Template.
To check whether the new Template is created, open the Template Repository via Template Repository Menu.
Remind that this operation will save as Template the Offline Configuration (that is the configuration stored in the ThinMan Server, not the device configuration).
By modifying the Offline Configuration and saving it as a Template, you can "generate" a template without the need to have concretely configured thin clients. You can modify ThinMan Offline Configuration and save it as Template as many times as you want.Remind also that Templates can also be modified or cloned directly from Template Repository (see Template Repository Menu for more details).
These are easy ways to create Templates and profiles working locally only on ThinMan Server.
This command deletes the Offline Configuration from the ThinMan Server.
See One Click Policy Creation for more information on this feature.
It allows to add a configuration set to an already existing profile. Select the device containing the configuration to be added.
Click on Offline Configurations -> Add Configuration Set to Profile. It will open the "Add Configuration Set to Profile" window and ask some characteristics of the configuration set to be created:
Optionallly, you can enable:
Click on OK to proceed.
Click on Yes whether you want to see the configuration sets of the profile.