The Template Repository is a file directory that contains template files. A template can be generated importing a configuration from a device to the ThinMan Server (see Contextual Menu - Configurations for a detailed description for template creation based on exporting configuration to a template).
ThinOX and Agile templates
A ThinOX template contains all the settings values and connections values configured on a ThinOX device. A ThinOX template can also be edited through the template repository. An Agile template contains all the parameters configured on the Agile Agent. An Agile template cannot be edited.
Template is NOT a Configuration Set (Device Profile)
If ThinMan Profile Manager is used and a Device Profile is created from a Template, remind that this operation copies the Template in the Configuration Set. If the Template is changed afterwards the change is not available onto the Configuration Set. It is necessary to delete the previous Configuration Set and add a new one with the modified template.
The Template Repository shows the templates saved in the current template directory and the template information.
The template Repository is located in a file directory that can be changed from the user.
On the top of the window you can find information on the location of the directory containing the template.
You can also change the directory clicking on "Browse" and selecting the new repository directory. Whether you change directory the files contained in it are not touched so you can eventually restore to the previous directory without loss of data.
Clicking on "Open Folder" will open the current directory in the Explorer Window.
The list of the Templates in the windows can be ordered.
Click on the column name to change the list order. In this case the list is ordered for File Name attributes.
There are several operations that can be executed on templates.
When a Template is selected the buttons shown in the figure will be enabled.
Clicking on "Delete" will permanently delete the Template from the Template Repository. Not only it is removed from the list but also from the file system. This operation cannot be undone.
Clicking on "Clone" will copy the Template into a new one whose name will be the same as original file with the string " - copy" appended to the file-name.
Clicking on "Rename" will ask for the new name and once confirmed will change the name of a Template. Is is the same to change the file name of the template file in the template directory.
This button is always enabled. By clicking on "Import Template" and selecting, from the explorer window, a template file, it is copied into the Template Repository directory and visualized in the list.
Clicking on "Save as Template" and selecting the destination directory from the explorer window, will save the selected Template into that directory. It is the same to copy the file from the template directory to the destination directory.
A Template can be edited and modified directly from the Template Repository. This can be done by clicking "Certification Manager", "Configuration Settings" or "Connection Manager".
In the first case read How to Import Certificates files into a ThinOX configuration (offline, template or profile configuration) for more information.
In the second case you deal with the device configuration (see Contextual Menu - Configuration - Offline Configuration - Device Settings for ThinOX).
In the third case you deal with connections (see also Contextual Menu - Configuration - Offline Configuration - Connection Manager for ThinOX).
You can add a note to a Template.
Click on "Edit" to enter or modify the note. Click on "Save" to save the note.
When a Template is selected the Template Repository display the corresponding note. The Template note is saved in the template file; whether you copy the template file the note is preserved.