Version 2.4.5
The ThinMan Gateway is an additional component of the Praim ThinMan suite.
Under the guise of a hardware and/or software solution representing a useful tool for managing thin clients installed on remote branch offices or, even locally, on network that have to be strictly separated.
It is available in three different solutions both hardware and software only:
The most powerful advantages offered by Praim ThinMan Gateway solution are:
- It enables a powerful Praim ThinMan operation on remote branch offices, accessing your remote clients without requiring a VPN infrastructure;
- Neither remote client nor system exposed on internet is required (i.e. none special firewall or router configuration as NAT, PAT etc.);
- No incoming connection towards remote branch office networks is required;
- It enables to manage different site with the same IP network address range without worries;
- It extends the WOL (Wake On LAN) feature up to remote branch office devices;
- A remarkable time and bandwidth saving in the client update thanks to ThinMan Gateway Repository replica service.
The typical architecture will consider:
A ThinMan Gateway will manage the devices at the specific branch office where it is installed.
The first scenario will use the ThinMan Gateway as a pass-through for the device notifications. It allows sending notifications to the ThinMan Server through the Internet. In this case, the ThinMan Server needs to be published on the Internet; you can forward the HTTPS port of the ThinMan Server on the firewall/router (see Port Utilization for more information).
The communication also works from ThinMan Server to a device. In this case, the ThinMan Server sends a command to a device using the ThinMan Gateway "pass-through" feature. This scenario is useful for all the commands based on ThinMan Scheduled Events like an upgrade, power-on/power-off/reboot commands, etc.
The second scenario avoids that all devices in the branch office are upgraded contacting the ThinMan Server. In this case, all the ThinMan Gateways synchronize their Package Repository to the ThinMan Server Package Repository. When an upgrade occurs, the device will use its ThinMan Gateway Repository to upgrade itself. This scenario reduces bandwidth consumption and needed time because the ThinMan Gateways in the network will download (aka sync over the Internet) the packages files only once (from ThinMan Server Repository to ThinMan Gateway Repository). All the devices' requests of packages will be satisfied by the local ThinMan Gateway Repository in the local environment (LAN). This feature is named Repository Replica and has to be enabled on the ThinMan Server (see Manage the ThinMan Gateway from the ThinMan Console for more information on how to enable and disable this features).
Another scenario is the ability to power on the devices at the Branch Office using a local Wake On Lan (WOL) Magic Packet. In this case, when needed, the ThinMan Server sends to the ThinMan Gateway a command through the Internet to power-on a device. The ThinMan Gateway will then send to its network the correct WOL Magic Packet to power-on the devices. This feature is named "WOL Relay" and can be disabled/enabled on the ThinMan Server (see Manage the ThinMan Gateway from the ThinMan Console for more information on how to enable and disable this features).
Usually, the branch offices are not connected to the central office by a VPN, and so the ThinMan Gateway allows you to manage the devices over an Internet connection avoiding to expose them on internet.
In some cases, you can also use the ThinMan Gateway when branch offices are connected to the central office by VPN or similar connection. In this case, you will also have benefits regarding bandwidth consumption and the ability to power-on devices. Read the recommendation in the Configuring the ThinMan Server Address chapter.
The ThinMan Gateway Software can be installed on these supported Operating Systems in both 32-bit or 64-bit architecture:
All these OS can be installed on physical hardware or in a virtual machine environment.
Do NOT Install the ThinMan Gateway where a ThinMan Server is already installed
Do NOT Install the ThinMan Gateway G1000W on the same system where a ThinMan Server is already installed. The two installations will conflict with each other and will not work properly.
Your system must meet the following requirements:
The ThinMan Gateway Virtual Appliance has the following initial characteristics:
If necessary, it is possible to modify the processor and memory as well as to increase the disk size.
ThinMan Gateway Disk space
Consider that ThinMan Gateway will synchronize the ThinMan Package Repository on the local disk. You need enough space to store every package that has to be available to the branch office thin clients.
As mentioned before, a ThinMan Gateway NEEDS a ThinMan Server to work.
A ThinMan Gateway can be managed only from ThinMan Server version 7.8.9 or greater. Previous versions of ThinMan Server are not able to manage the ThinMan Gateway features.
The ThinMan Server needs an "Advanced" licence with the Network+ Feature Pack.
Currently, these types of devices are supported:
Check also the How-To section.
Check also the Frequency Asked Questions section.