ThinMan Web Console is a limited ThinMan console (only monitoring and power management options are available) that is reachable via internet browser. It allows to access ThinMan Server from any device with an internet browser.
To use the web console it is necessary to define users and roles via ThinMan Access Control configurator.
Start an internet browser with the ThinMan Server Address (IP Address or hostname, be sure to use https protocol). E.g.
If it has not been installed a CA certificate on the ThinMan Server the browser will allert that the connection is not private.
Proceed to the page by clicking on Advanced and then on the link to the page.
A login page will appear (Web Console Login). Write the username and password (previously defined on the ThinMan Access Control configurator) and click on Login.
Once logged in you will see the user interface.
On the Home tab you will see Session Information with the currently logged user.
To logout from the ThinMan Web Console click on the Logout button.
User preferences are some configuration on the environment that depend on the logged user. Once saved, they are used each time the user logs in into ThinMan Web Console.
A Preference Set is a named configuration that saves filtered fields and columns visibility on each tab. E.g. save the devices ordered by name or model as a Preference Set.
A Preference Set can be loaded by selecting it from the combo box (see above image, section 4). In the above example, every time the saved preference set is selected, the interface will show the devices ordered by name or model.
A Preference Set can be created by clicking on + icon (see above image, section 3). When a Preference Set is created it inherits the configurations of the current Preference Set.
A Preference Set can be deleted by clicking on - icon (see above image, section 2).
The current Preference Set can also be renamed by clicking on the corresponding icon (see above image, section 5).
When logging out from ThinMan Web Console, the current Preference Set will be used the next time.
Click on the corresponding icon (see above image, section 6) and select the language for the user interface.
Confirm to apply the change.
See above image, section 7.
By clicking on this icon, it is possible to enable/disable the automatic update of the device table information. All devices status (on/off/disconnected) are updated.
In a very dynamic environment, automatically updating the device table information can lead to a high refresh rate that can disturb ThinMan user. Try disabling this feature and let the user proceed by manually refreshing the browser.
On this tab, all the devices managed by the ThinMan server are listed.
Right click on one or more devices(use ctrl/shift + click to select more than one device) to see the available operations:
By default, you will find no elements on this tab. You can add devices to the collection from the Devices tab through the Put in collection operation.
Remember that through the ThinMan Access Control, it is possible to apply a filter to the ThinMan user in order to visualize only specific groups of devices.
The toolbar located on the Devices and Collection tabs contains multiple functionalities related to objects or visualization mode.
It allows filtering objects, returning only those matching the text written on the textbox (see above image, section 1). It can be useful for finding a device by:
Clicking on this button will refresh the list of objects. It is useful when the Automatic Device Table Information is disabled.
This button(see above image, section 3) will show/hide a window that reports information on the selected device.
This button (see above image, section 4) will select all devices in the list. Multiple selection can be made pressing Ctrl while selecting with the mouse one or more devices.
This button (see above image, section 5) will deselect all devices in the list.
This button (see above image, section 6) will select the root group. The list will be upgraded showing all objects.
This button (see above image, section 7) will show a window with all the group structure. You can select a group and press the Ok button (or double click the name of the group), it will show objects belonging to that group.
Another way to select a group is to click on a group name from the group column.
When selecting a Preference Set (see above image, section 8), the page will reloaded using configuration saved in that preference set.
The Save Settings (see above image, section 9) saves the current configuration in the selected Preference Set.
See above image, section 10.
Through these icons it is possible to:
By default these items are disabled. Once one or more devices are selected, the icons will be enabled. For multiple device selection press Ctrl while clicking with the mouse.
With this button (see above image, section 11) you can select which columns of attributes are visible on the user interface.
Devices can be ordered by clicking on the column name (E.g. below the list is ordered by device name in ascending order).
Columns visibility and order is automatically saved on the Preference Set, you do not need to save them explicitly.
This button (see above image, section 12) allows to browse all the network or a specific group to find new devices. The browsing is executed by the ThinMan Server as explained in Network Browsing and Device Refreshing.
This button (see above image, section 13) is a deprecated functionality.
It is used by old devices that do not support the WSS communication protocol. It updates the status of one or more devices. The refresh is executed by the ThinMan Server as explained in Network Browsing and Device Refreshing.