The C9010 thin client model has these points to pay attention to:
Remember that the configuration can be easily and automatically deployed on your thin clients using the Profile Manager feature of the ThinMan Server.
Unlike the other models, WBT/Kiosk is the only available mode as User Interface and the Connection Manager window is not shown at the thin client startup. This modality cannot be changed.
Remember that to open the Connections Manager window you have to press the <CTRL> + <ALT> + <END> keys on the keyboard.
Once the Connections Manager window is opened you can press the "F2" key to open the Control Panel. To provide the best customer experience and to avoid the thin client user to change a specific configuration we suggest to:
In this way when the thin client is powered on the single connection is automatically started and the user is typically asked to insert its credential.
This modality does not allow to use a taskbar on the bottom of the desktop.
Eventually opened and minimized applications or virtual desktops can be resumed using the <CTRL> + <ALT> + <UP/DOWN ARROW> hotkeys on the keyboard. This will switch and change the focus to the opened applications/windows.
Only a single connection can be created and used on the thin client.
A connection can be created in the Initial Installation phase when the thin client is powered on for the first time.
You can also create or modify a connection from the Connections Manager. On the "Configuration" tab select the connection and click on "Edit" to modify the connection parameter.
To create a new connection first delete the previously created connection (use the "Delete..." button) and then click on "Add" to open the "New Connection" window.
Available connections are: