VMware View client requires a VMware View farm or server active and reachable over the network.
The default values for the VMware Horizon View parameters are reported by the screenshots.

On the "Connection" tab you have to insert:
- a "Session Name" string that identifies the connection name;
- the "View Server" address (can be an IP Address or a hostname) where the VMware View server resides.
Other options that can be modified are:
- "Port": the port on the server where the VMware infrastructure is listening for connections.
- "SSL": enable it if you are using an encrypted connection.

Clicking on "VMware options..." will open the dialog window above. Here the available options are:
- "Close Desktop library window at VD logoff/disconnect": ...
- "VMware Kiosk mode (VMware client)": Kiosk Mode is a particular mode in which the client can connect the VMware server. More information can be available at VMware documentation site (e.g. consult http://pubs.vmware.com/view-50/index.jsp#com.vmware.view.administration.doc/GUID-84E6E2DA-0CFA-4D92-B880-8FC0ECE8A1E1.html)
- "Enable Smart Card Login": allows login to be made via smart cards.
- "Show Top bar": enable or not the top bar on the connection screen.
- "Enable Ctrl-Alt-Del Sequence": allows sending the local CTRL+ALT+DEL hotkey sequence to the VMware Virtual Desktop in order to obtain the Windows menu screen.
- "Bitmap Cache size (MB)": the maximum amount of memory dedicated to cache bitmap used by the client.
- "Enable FIPS PCoIP encryption": allows to enable the FIPS encryption on the connection.

Clicking on "SSL Verification Mode..." will change the behavior of the client depending on certificates:
- "Reject the unverifiable connection (Secure). ...": the connection to the server will be rejected if certificates are not loaded on the client or they are not corresponding to the server.
- "Warn if the connection may be insecure (Default). ...": when connecting to a non-secure server the client warn and reject the connection if certificates are not valid.
- "Allow the unverifiable connection (Not Secure). ...": in any case, the connection to the server is executed
Clicking on "OK" will close the window.
Certificates Management
Remember that certificates for the VMware View Client can be added and managed from the Certificate Manager window available in the Control Panel. Read About Certificates to have information on the format of a certificate.

On the "Login" tab you will find settings about:
- "Memorize Last User": will remember and propose the last logged username when the connection starts;
- "Enable Auto Login": when this flag is enabled, the user is not asked for credentials by the connection. Credentials can be entered by the user using ThinMan Login or can be embedded in the connection (see next parameters).
- "ThinMan Login credentials pass-through": this flag force the connection to use the credentials inserted before in the ThinMan Login (for more information on ThinMan Login read How to protect the Thin Client with ThinMan Login on ThinMan User Guide). Enable this flag only if the thin client is protected by the ThinMan Login, a connection error is returned if you try to use this flag without ThinMan Login enabled.
- "Username, Password, Domain Name": enter the embedded credentials for the connection (credentials are not asked the user). These credentials are used firstly when the connection is executed; if the login phase fails, the connection will ask for new credentials (the new credentials are not stored).
- "Thin Client Logoff at VDI user logoff": this property may be configured when the thin client is protected under ThinMan Login. If the flag is enabled when the user logoff from the remote desktop the thin client execute a logoff and the ThinMan Login window is displayed.

On the "Autostart" tab the user can configure these options:
- "Auto connect Desktop if single in list": if enabled and there is only a virtual desktop available from the VMware farm, it will be automatically connected.
- "Auto connect Desktop based on Display Name": it will connect to a specific virtual desktop depending on:
- "Client Host Name": it will connect to the virtual desktop whose name is the same as the thin client hostname
- "Client MAC Address": it will connect to the virtual desktop whose name is the same as the thin client MAC Address
- "Desktop Display Name": it will connect to the virtual desktop whose name is the same as the string specified in the text field

"Options" tab allows configuring various options.
- "Force USB redirection disable...": disable the USB redirection feature independently from the server configuration.
- "Enable Redirection of already connected devices": allows exporting to the USB redirection already connected devices.
- "Enable connection debug": when flagged it activates the writing of a debug file. Use only when requested by Praim Support team.
"Force Protocol": will use the "Default" protocol (server-side choice) or try to use the "RDP" or "PCOIP" protocol.
"RDP Options...": will open the RDP Global Settings window where, in addition to other parameters, you can select the version of the protocol to be used for the RDP connection.