Through this window, the users can define the common parameters that are inherited from all the RDS/RDP connections created on the thin client.
On the "Client Version" combo/box you can select which version of the protocol has to be used for all the Remote Desktop Client Connection created on the thin client. The default behavior is to use the RDP 8.1 Protocol with the parameters enabled in the screenshot above (see also How to solve RDP performance problems).
Clicking on "Manage RDP Licenses" will open the window with the RDP Licenses obtained by the servers. Licenses can be deleted altogether (clicking on "Delete All") or individually (selecting a single license in the list and clicking "Delete").
Using Certificates for RDP Connections
Certificates can be imported using the Certificate Manager applet. Save the certificate (read About Certificates paragraph) on a USB key then use the Certificate Manager applet. Browse the directories until you reach the saved certificate, select it and click on "Import". All the imported certificated will be available to all RDP connections.
"GFX" parameters are experimental and related to the RDP8 graphics pipeline: "Thin Client Mode", "Small Cache Mode", "Progressive Codec", "H264 Codec".
Enable the "Thin Client Mode" when you are using the client to connect to Windows 10 Virtual Machine. It will solve a problem when syncing the Bloc Num led on the keyboard.
"Aero Desktop Composition": desktop composition parameters.
"Multitouch": redirect multitouch input.
"Debug Level" and "Compression Level" will be used when requested by the Praim Support team. Leave them unchanged.
For the RDP protocol version 7, there are no specific protocol parameters.