The Network tab controls the parameters for the network interface.

Through this panel you can access all the specific configuration for the network:
- Bluetooth
- VLan Config
- Network Diagnostic — This panel allows testing the network connection with these specific commands: Ping, TraceRoute, NSLookup, EthTool and Check Certificate.
- VPN Configuration — This panel allows configuring the VPN connection for the device.
- Port Based Authentication — This panel allows to configure the parameters related to Port Based IEEE802.1x Authentication for the device.
- Wired Interface — This panel allows configuring all parameters for the Ethernet wired connection.
- Wi - Fi Interface — This panel allows configuring all parameters for the WiFi connection.
- Network Settings — This panel allows configuring all generic parameters related to the device inside the network (e.g. hostname, SMB, DNS servers, etc.).
- ThinMan — This panel allows configuring on the device which is the referenced ThinMan server.