The Network Settings applet allows configuring all generic parameters related to the device inside the network (e.g. hostname, SMB, DNS servers, ...).
HostName: enter the name by which the terminal will be known on the network. This name will be shown when using Praim ThinMan management software.
Request Hostname to DHCP: if the DHCP Server is properly configured it can assign a host-name to the device, otherwise the HostName field is used.
Enable SMB Sharing: it shares the device resources (Printers and local drives) over the network through SMB protocol.
Workgroup: enter the Windows workgroup for the terminal. Praim ThinOX terminals may be seen from any Windows-based PC on the network using SMB.
Manual DNS and Default Domain: check this box if you want to use DNS for solving hostnames to IP addresses.
DNS Address 1: when DNS is enabled, enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
DNS Address 2: when DNS is enabled, enter the IP address of the secondary DNS server. This DNS server is used if the primary DNS server is unavailable.
Default Domain: enter the Name of the Domain in the DNS server.
TCP Window Scaling is an option that allows increasing the receive window size (see
Inform user if any interface is disconnected when enabled, a pop-up will appear everytime a connection is down.
Through the "Edit Hosts Table" button users can easily associate IP addresses to descriptive names without having to use DNS; the format is to define one address/name association per line; the IP address of the machine first and then the descriptive name for the host.
To save the edited file click on the "X" in the upper right part of the window then click on "Save" on the shown dialog box.