This panel allows configuring all parameters for the WiFi connection.
Multiple WiFi card
If you have multiple WiFi cards on your device you will find multiple icons named "wlan0", "wlan1"... and so on. Every icon allows configuring the single WiFi card.
Enable interface wlan0: enable this parameter to use the WiFi card on the device.
Address: select:
If you select Static then enter these settings:
MTU parameter determines the maximum size for IP packets.
It allows viewing the log file created during the DHCP negotiation.
It allows viewing the DHCP configuration received from the server.
Renegotiate the network configuration with the DHCP server.
The settings for the wireless interface can be done in two different modes:
Depending on the way you prefer you can use one of the two methods; see below for the two different explanation.
Click on the "Wireless Settings" button to access the graphical interface for settings the WiFi network card.
Click on "Scan" to open the WiFi network discovery panel.
Click on "Scan" to launch the discovery process.
Once the discovery process is finished you will find the access points that are available for the WiFi card.
Double click on the SSID to configure the access parameters for that access point.
The dialog box will show the parameters that can be configured or changed for that access point. Once finished click on "Add" button. Click also "Close" button on the scan window in order to close it.
In case you need to configure a Wi-Fi that requires a CA certificate. The default path is /tmp/config/files/cacerts
Verify that the status of the WiFi card is "Completed". This means that WiFi card connects successfully to the access point.
Click on "Save" button to save the configuration.
Click the "OK" button in the Network Configuration window.
Click on "Yes" to continue the application of the parameters on the card.
The Network services will be relaunched and the WiFi card will connect the access point (remind that if you are configuring the network from remote using the ThinMan Remote Assistance you will lose the connection at this point).
Click on "OK" button in the Control Panel window to completely close it.
When clicking on "Wireless Text Config" you will be able to configure the wpa.conf file.
The wpa.conf file is opened.
See Samples for the Wi-Fi configuration file chapter for some specific examples on configuring the wireless parameters using the text configuration.
Edit the information in the file and close it (use the "X" on the upper right part of the window). Save the configuration changes clicking on "Save" in the confirmation dialog. (e.g. the file above is the template for the "LEAP1" type).
Close the Control Panel window clicking on "OK" to save the configuration. A restart of the wireless card will be executed on the device if necessary.