This ICA Global Settings dialog window is used to configure settings for the Citrix connection.
MultiMonitor: in case of Dual Monitor the aspect is defined once connected: Primary/Secondary or Stretched on both monitors.
Enable Windows Alert Sounds: it enables Windows Alert sounds in Citrix sessions.
Enable Audio Input Device: it enables audio input (phone jack) from the thin client towards the server.
Hot Keys: allows the mapping of special keys within the Citrix session.
Key combination management: through this tab users can decide whether Windows Hotkeys (such as CTRL+ALT+Canc) are managed by the Thin Client operating system or remotely within the connection.
"Export USB Mass Storage devices": allows defining whether USB Mass Storage devices, connected to the Thin Client, are to be exported to the virtual desktop.
"Device" defines the local drive name exported to the virtual desktop. The USB mass storage devices will be shared as directories under the same device name. The directory name is the name of the USB mass storage device.
"Read" and "Write" defines whether the exported device can be read or written in the virtual desktop. Possible values are: "Yes" (the operation is allowed), "No" (the operation is NOT allowed), "Prompt" (on the first access to the device a confirmation is required, the choice is valid for the connection session).
"Dynamic Client Drive Mapping": enables this specific feature (see for more information).
In this case, remember NOT to share the mass storage device using the Citrix HDX USB Redirection. You can do this by disabling the "Mass storage devices" from the category panel or to "Never Export" the single mass storage device using the exceptions.
"ICA Client Configuration files": user can access and modify Citrix Receiver configuration files (wfclient.ini, module.ini and All_Regions.ini).
"WebCam FrameRate": it allows to define the frame rate of the connected USB Webcam (see more information on Configuring the Citrix HDX RealTime Webcam Video Compression).
"RealTime Media Engine": see How to install and configure Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine Addon.
"Mouse Sends Control-V": allows emulating a "CTRL + V" keyboard pressing on the clicking of the central mouse button (the same to execute a paste operation). It emulates the same behavior for a mouse used under Linux O.S.
"Enable OnScreenSurface (OSS)": enable or disable the OnScreenSurface parameter in the Citrix ICA Global Settings environment.
"Enable Xyzmo Virtual Channel": enable the support for Wacom Signature Tablet. It needs the Xyzmo software installed on the server.
"Enable H.264 compression": enables the hardware decompression of the H.264 enhanced SuperCodec provided by the Citrix XenDesktop 7.x farm. In case the Citrix farm is a 6.x, or lesser version disable this parameter (see more on How to set Citrix Environment and Thin Client Properties for H.264 compression).
"Praim Legacy PNAgent": allow to select if the old version of PNAgent Praim has to be used. It is for backward compatibility. Use only for XenApp/XenDesktop 6.x or older. You can select from:\
Using Certificates for Citrix Connections
Certificates can be imported using the Certificate Manager applet. Save the certificate (read About Certificates paragraph) on a USB key then use the Certificate Manager applet. Browse the directories until you reach the saved certificate, select it and click on "Import". All the imported certificated will be available to all Citrix connections.