It enables Citrix HDX USB Redirection. It allows to export, to the virtual des ktop, the USB resources connected to the Thin Client.
"Enable Citrix HDX USB Redirection": this parameter enables or disables the Citrix HDX USB Redirection. If enabled you have to decide to:
Click "OK" will close the window and save the configuration options.
You can also manage a single device independently of its category. You can specify whether the USB device should be exported or not exported using the USB Redirection.
Click on "Exception list".
The first list reports the current exception list. You can note that the list contains many devices for which the rules have already been defined. Every entry on the list can be changed or deleted by selecting the entry and clicking on "Edit" or "Delete".
The second report the currently plugged devices. If you plug a new device into the thin client click on "Refresh" to load it into the list.
To add a new device to the exclusion list select it from the list of plugged devices and click on "Add to Ex. list".
Select from the "Exception" combo-box whether the device has to be “Never export” or “Always export” within the USB Redirection. Then click "OK" to add the device to the exclusion list. The new rule will create an entry in the device exception list and can be eventually changed later.