Download from MyPraim the Addon file that contains the Optimization Pack related to the version that you will install on the thin client.
Use the ThinMan Console to add the specific file to the Package Repository.
From the ThinMan Console use the Firmware Update command to install the Addon. Remember that after the update, the thin client will reboot. You can also use a Scheduled Activity or an Event Activity to install the Addon on many thin clients.
Once the Addon is installed on the thin client, open from the Control Panel, the Citrix Global Settings.
On the Advanced tab select from the RealTime Media Engine the version of Citrix HDX RealTime Optimization Pack to be used. Remember that this choice will be valid for all the Citrix connections configured on the thin client.
To verify that the Optimization Pack is installed and is working correctly in the Virtual Desktop Environment follow the guide available at these links:
If you are using a USB device (like webcam or audio device) that has to be managed by the Optimization Pack remember to not export the device using the Citrix HDX USB Redirection.
These are the certified Jabra devices that work with the Optimization Pack:
Not supported device: the Jabra EVOLVE 40 UC Stereo is not working.