The Package Repository stores all the file needed for upgrade operation on the thin clients. It includes ThinOX firmware files, Windows CE Firmware files, Praim WES7 Service Pack or Hotfix files, TCe Virtual desktop Agent and TCe Workstation Client update files, Teradici Firmware files, Executable setup files (for Third Party Software installation), scripting files, and so on. It is a central repository that can be accessed from Local or Remote Console.
There are several operations that can be executed on packages.
Click on "Add" to add a file in the Package Repository.
Click then on "Browse".
Select from the file explorer windows the file that has to be imported in the Package Repository and click "Open".
Once imported the file is available on the Package Repository for all the firmware upgrade and software distribution operation (both manual or automatic, through activities, operation).
Note that these types of file will be imported into the Package Repository:
Clicking on "Details" allows inserting more information on the selected package.
"Notes" field collect generic information that will be visible for all the users using the Package Repository.
"Apply to min. version" field may be configured with a version number. ThinMan compares the version number with the one present on the thin clients, and the package is installed if the version on the device is at least the version inserted in the field. This check allows a more strict control over software installation and distribution.
"Apply to max. version" field may be configured with a version number. ThinMan compares the version number with the one present on the thin clients, and the package is installed if the versions on the device is up to the version inserted in the field. This check allows a more strict control over software installation and distribution.
The previous fields could be editable or not, depending on the type of package.
For packages of type "Third-Party Software" (e.g., "*.exe", "*.msi", "*.bat", or "*.ps1"), other fields are available on the bottom of the window.
Depending on the type of the file the values in the fields may vary (e.g., the screenshot above is about a "*.msi" package).
The "Default" button suggests the values that ThinMan will use, and reset the modified values.
Note that the inserted values are proposed when you update a device with the package above. This is valid in case of manual command (see Contextual Menu - Device Update (only for Windows Embedded devices) at chapter "Third-party Software Installation") or for Automatic operation (like Scheduled Activities or Event Activities).
Clicking on "Delete" will permanently delete the selected package from the Package Repository. Not only it is removed from the list but also the file system.
The newly inserted package have a status that indicates when they are ready to be used. Only packages with "Ready" status can be used to execute software upgrade or distribution. In case a package is not in the "Ready" status select it and click on the "Refresh" button to update its status.
Click on "Export" will export the captured Image (e.g. Windows 10 IoT) in a file. Be aware this operation could take some time. This file could then be used to restore a device using the Praim Toolkit software (see Praim Toolkit User Guide).
See the link Manage the ThinMan Gateway from the ThinMan Console to know more about Repository Replica.
If ThinMan Gateways are available in the network (see ThinMan Gateway User Guide), please read the link Manage the ThinMan Gateway from the ThinMan Console to manage them properly.