USB Flash Drive: Size
Notice the drive should be at least 8 GB.
USB Flash Drive: Style
Please, consider that the USB key partition style must be MBR.To verify the partition style on Windows O.S. open the Disk Management window, select the disk you want to check, right-click it and select Properties. On the Volumes" tab, the Partition style attribute indicates whether is Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Partition Table (GPT).
Download from MyPraim and install the Praim toolkit software that will allow you to create a recovery USB key for ThinOX/windows thin clients.
Insert a USB key storage.
Open the Praim Toolkit ThinOX USB Recovery.
Select the inserted USB Storage Key. If the key has more than one partition (as shown on the above image example) select one of them. Click on Format USB for Recovery. This process will format the USB key, it will remove any content/partition. The below warning message will appear.
Click on Yes and wait until the operation is finished and click on OK.
Once the USB has been formatted for Recovery (Type: PRAIM ThinOX USB Recovery), click on Next to continue.
Click on Add Firmware to insert the ThinOX firmware file (*.par).
DO NOT REMOVE the USB key until the software finishes writing the firmware on the USB Storage Key.
Once the firmware is added. The window below is shown.
In this window it is possible to:
From ThinOX version 11.6.0, it is not necessary to download a firmware file for each ThinOX model. A single version is distributed. In this case, once the firmware is added it is necessary to select a model as specified on the message below.
In this window it is possible to:
Add Licenses: The license file can be created using the Create .flc file command in the Special Functions Menu of ThinMan.
Remove Firmware: it will delete the firmware from the USB Storage Key. You may use this feature after restoring the thin client firmware.
Set override: it will open a window that allows overwriting the ThinMan Address configuration on the USB Key.
Write the appropriate parameters.
Click on "OK" to confirm the changes.
Finish: it will close the toolkit; then, you can extract the USB Key.
To recover a thin client using the prepared USB Key follow the procedure explained at:
Boot the device as explained above, select the USB key, and press "Enter" on the keyboard.
Wait until the system is installed on the internal disk.
When prompted remove the USB Key from the device. It is rebooted automatically.