Below it is explained how to setup the parameters required for the interaction between a device and the ThinMan Server.
Open the Praim Agile Configurator (for more details, see Accessing the Praim Agile settings) and select the ThinMan menu.
Why Configure ThinMan Address?
Configuring the ThinMan Server address enables full access to all ThinMan features, including the use of the device on Scheduled Activities, Event Activities and ThinMan Profile Manager.The Profile Manager is especially useful for automatically distributing configurations to devices (see Use ThinMan Profile and Policy to send configuration automatically) and for securing devices through ThinMan Login).
In this panel, you can configure the ThinMan Server that the device will contact each time is powered-on.
The ThinMan Settings pane allows you to configure the ThinMan server address. The client will attempt to establish a connection to the ThinMan server using the following methods, in order:
DHCP Option 163 The device retrieves the ThinMan server address via this DHCP option configured on the network.
DNS Resolution for “PRAIMSERVER” The device uses DNS to resolve the "PRAIMSERVER" hostname to identify the ThinMan server.
All Praim devices are pre-configured to use these options, enabling seamless connectivity. If your environment is set up with these network parameters, every Praim device will automatically recognize the ThinMan server and notify it of its presence. This functionality also applies to brand-new, out-of-the-box devices, which can connect to the ThinMan server without requiring any additional configuration by the IT manager.
You can use the Test button to verify the entered information for each configuration entry. This feature attempts to connect to the specified address and provides feedback on the success or failure of the operation.
For Primary and Secondary ThinMan Server Configuration, you can add multiple ThinMan Server address by clicking the Add Address button.
Getting Started - Configuring Praim Devices to Contact ThinMan
For more information, read the guide or watch the video of the Getting Started - Configuring Praim Devices to Contact ThinMan
This section allows you to configure the port used by the device to receive communication from the ThinMan Server.
You can choose to configure the listening port on the device in one of the following ways:
Automatic: The system dynamically selects an available port when the Agile software starts on the device. This port is then communicated to the ThinMan Server. This option is ideal if you plan to install software on the device that might conflict with the default port, such as "443" Note: Do not use this option if your network has strict firewall policies or closely monitors and restricts port usage.
Manual: A specific port is manually set for communication with the ThinMan Server. Choose this option if you are certain that no other software on the device will conflict with the configured port. Important: Ensure this port is communicated to your Network Administrator so they can configure the firewall to allow traffic between the ThinMan Server and the device through this port. This option is especially recommended for networks with restrictive firewall rules or strict port usage policies.
Enable the Use only WSS connections with certificate validation option to make the WSS protocol safe. For detailed information, visit the WSS Safe page.