- The Citrix Kiosk configuration with the "Remember Last Username" option enabled functions as expected.
- Auto-login for Versatile now works seamlessly with Citrix Cloud.
- The functionality of sending Ctrl+Alt+Del to VMware VMs now works properly.
- Hotplug DVD in UDF format works properly.
- Fix: Opening the offline configurator without making any change no longer causes the profile to be reapplied unnecessarily.
- Fix: The Parallels client is now correctly detected by the web interface.
- Fix: Basic settings are now correctly applied in Parallels.
- Chrome updated to version 131.0.
- Upgraded Parallels Client to version 19.4.2-25171.
- Integrated Zoom plugin version 6.1.13.
- Added Citrix Workspace 24.08
- Enhanced the download speed of packages with the HTTP client on the gateway.
- Added WebApp mode support for Firefox.
- Added the option to configure the hostname displayed in session for Parallels connections.
- Added support for duplicating the background image on each screen, in addition to the existing extended mode
- Windows manager: added "Disable compositor" option to configurator.
- Firefox: The maintain configuration option on the D9254 model now works properly.
- VMware: Addon zoom 6.0.11 works as expected.
- Citrix Web Client: Closes correctly upon logoff/disconnect from the virtual desktop.
- Persistent logs are now functioning correctly.
- Fixed: Profile reapplication issue when opening configurators without changes.
- Fixed: Automatic logout during smartcard login due to unhandled error.
- Fixed: websites fail to load in chrome when filesystem is blocked.
- Credential passthrough to Citrix cloud works properly in storebrowse.
- Firefox updated to version 131.0.2.
- Citrix Workspace App: Auto-login enabled for the kiosk client connection type.
- Integrated Kernel Ubuntu 5.15.0-92-generic.
- Firmware filename changed to ThinOX_Firmware_x.y.z.par
- Citrix workspace app updated to version 24.02.
- VMware Horizon view client updated to version 2312.1
- Parallels RAS client updated to version 19.3.24619.
- FreeRDP updated to version 2.11.5.
- UDS client updated to version 3.6.0.
- Improved bluetooth device detection.
- Improved Parallels configurator user interface.
- Citrix: improved message shown when trying to open a powered off VM.
- Connection's name limited to 11 characters.
- Volume contextual menu has been disabled to avoid the end-user made advanced changes.
- Improved Screen Appearance User Interface.
- Added Advanced Configuration button
- Added possibility of changing screensaver logo.
- Added options to customized the ThinMan Login Window: personalizing the banner and showing power options.
- Improved Browser connection user interface:
- Options tab: added Maintain configuration Zoom Level, Ignore certificate errors, enable pop-up, Allow HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
- RDP Global Settings: the Legacy option is not supported anymore.
- RDP Connection configuration: Display tab - Multi Monitor expanded up to 4 monitors.
- Citrix: support the split of composite devices in usb redirection.
- Improved versalite audio configurator GUI.
- Improved ThinMan agent configurator - connection tab and Test procedure.
- Improved webcam graphical user interface.
- WBT/Kiosk mode: when selecting this option the window switcher shortcut option changes automatically to the WBT Mode option
- Out Of Life models are no longer supported: A9054, A90-HDX, A90-HOR, A90-RFX, D9054, D90-HDX, D90-HOR, D90-RFX, U9054, U90-HDX, U90-HOR, U90-RFX.
- Brightness works properly.
- Mouse speed and acceleration settings works properly.
- Video resolution configurator keeps the customized option.
- CIFS filesystem can be mounted properly on ThinOX.
- T9050 model: the offline configurator properly shows the options for the user partition on the desktop properties.
- Versatile audio works properly:
- It detects properly inactive but available ports.
- It detects properly plugged mic/headphone jack .
- VMware: fixed VDP_CONNECT_FAILURE error.
- VMware: USB redirection works properly.
- Fixed: default Citrix browser is automatically modified from chrome to firefox after logoff.
- Firefox: maintain configuration option works properly.
- ThinMan Basic: Test ThinMan works properly.
- Automatic Chrome updates properly disabled.
- Devices inside a networks with a slow DHCP server are getting the IP address properly.
- Fixed: Incorrect 802.1x certificate does not block login dialog.
- Fixed: VMware - autoconnect to first desktop does not work on client 2309.1 or newer.
- VMware Horizon view client updated to version 2312.1.
- UDS: client updated to version 3.6.0.
- Added Parallels RAS client version 19.3.24515.
- Allow username and domain to be saved when TLS is selected on 802.1X configurator.
- Improved 802.1X certificate functionality.
- ThinOX firmware filename changed to ThinOX_Firmware_x.y.z.par
- Added the feature Network Link Timeout (sec) on the Settings -> Network Settings
- Added the possibility to visualize date and time on the taskbar/desktop. For more information, read screen appearance.
- VMware: fixed VDP_CONNECT_FAILURE error.
- Fixed error: default browser is automatically modified from chrome to firefox.
- Versatile audio works properly.
- VMware: USB redirection works properly.
- Mouse speed and acceleration settings works properly.
- Citrix workspace app updated to version 23.11.
- Citrix: support the split of composite devices in usb redirection.
- Wifi with infrastructure WPA2 enterprise + radius works properly.
- 802.1x: Fixed bug related to "Disable temporarly if not supported by any network".
- ThinMan Login: fixed textbox size.
- RDP: fixed bug related to wrong certificate.
- WSS SAFE needs the file server certificate to work properly.
- Citrix: generic USB redirection works properly.
- Screen unlock works properly when 802.1x is enabled.
- Fixed bug network connection is not detected under certain conditions.
- Fixed error vnc - start of server fails with X error.
- Citrix workspace app updated to version 23.09
- VMware Horizon view client updated to version 2309.1
- IBM client updated to version 1.1.93
- Openjdk updated to version 1.8.0_382
- Integrated zoom universal plugin version 5.16.10.
- ICA Global Settings: changed Adaptive Transport default value to Off.
- Improved Audio Settings configurator: possibility to establish priority of audio devices and handling echo cancellation.
- Praim Browser: Added the option to visualize date and time on the Praim Browser.
- Praim Browser: Added the possibility to enable whitelist.
- Added addon Parallels 2X
- Citrix: Added Enable Fido2 Redirection option on the Devices tab of the Citrix Global Settings.
- Citrix: Added Enable Smarcard Redirection option on the Devices tab of the Citrix Global Settings.
- Citrix: Add smartcard login option to Citrix web configurator.
- Added local echo cancellation configurator.
- Added "Show Brightness Settings" to "Available User Settings" on the Security Settings
- Added support to HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
- Fixed screensaver bug.
- Brightness settings values are saved properly.
- Screensaver works properly when security password is set.
- Fixed bug related to shared printer in SMB.
- USB keys with no partition table are mounted properly.
- VNC: Full screen option works properly.
- WSS safe notification works only with a valid certificate.
- ThinMan Agent - authentication tab: Behaviour if ThinMan not available - Force retry option works properly.
- DHCP: Assigning hostname from server works properly.
- Bginfo shows current configured ThinMan server.
- Citrix: UserPartition is read/write accessible.
- Fixed rdp session graphics defect.
- Handled the Freerdp connection error password must be changed.
- Built-in mic-in are always active despite the presence of other external microphones.
- eGalax addon updated to version 3.4.
- Addon Elotouch updated to version 3.0.
- Vmware horizon client updated to version 23.03.
- Citrix: added option to disable smartcard virtual channel.
- Added zoom plugin 5.15.2 for vmware.
- Added PCSC logs.
- VMware Horizon View Connection: Added VMware fullscreen mode (vmware client).
- Removing password from ThinMan works properly.
- Access to shared CUPS printer via SMB works properly.
- Citrix web client session: fixed maintain browser configuration error.
- Customized screensaver time works properly.
- Touchpad exclusion when using T9250 on Acer PC works properly.
- USB Vmware redirection: Exporting Mass Storage category works properly.
- Focus VNC request error fixed.
- Storebrowse Client: Close connection at VD Logoff/disconnect works properly.
- Fixed WOL error.
- Fixed freerp session connection error when serial port is in the system.
- Citrix workspace app updated to version 23.03
- Improved Screen Appearance User Interface.
- Improved Smart Identity User Interface.
- Improved video configurator user interface.
- Smartcard - ccid updated to version 1.5.2
- Storage: allowed configuration of optical drives mount options.
- Added support to StepOver signature pad.
- Citrix - added addon zoom 5.14.0
- Added support to VMware kiosk mode.
- VMware: added fullscreen option to executor.
- Offline configurator - security tab: added the possibility to modify Available User Settings and Startup Wizard settings.
- Wifi: WEP128 works properly.
- Fixed bug: black screen after 10 minutes of innactivity.
- Startup Wizard Options: WiFi Setup Wizard is shown properly.
- Fixed bug on Control Panel - Remote Assistance: Flag "Force Refresh Every" blocks access in VNC.
- Citrix Web client connection with smartcard login works properly.
- Vmware horizon client updated to version 2212.1.
- Citrix workspace app updated to version 23.02.
- FreeRdp updated to version 2.10.0
- ThinOX laptop: Use of Power Management options parameters when closing the screen.
- Fixed Wifi Offline Configurator.
- Citrix - HDX webcam redirection works properly on models N91* and N91*+.
- SiComputer Lenovo in WBT mode: battery indicator appears properly.
- Touchscreen: egtouch calibration works properly.
- Printing from Chrome works properly.
- Fixed full-config bug when using Citrix Workspace App 22.12 with browser redirection.
- VMware: fixed bug "Topbar always shown even when disabled".
- Fixed VNC bug on devices without monitor.
- Fixed bug when disconnecting device from VMware topbar.
- Fixed VNC bug on devices without monitor.
- Fixed bug when disconnecting device from VMware topbar.
- DHCP: 163 option can be cleared.
- Citrix Global Settings: changed default value for "Mouse Sends Control-V" to disabled.
- HDX Optimization Pack (Skype for business): Use addon Citrix HDX Optimization pack version 2.9 or higher when using Citrix Workspace App versions 22.12 or higher.
- Improved bluetooth configurator.
- Improved log collector: added more session types and VNC log.
- Improved video resolution configurator.
- Improved Citrix configurator.
- Deprecated Citrix Self Service Plugin connection type.
- Added VNC client connection type.
- Bluetooth: Added support to low energy devices.
- Added new Browser Connection type (Praim Browser).
- Added MFA management through the VMware identity portal.
- Fixed black screen random problem.
- RDP: option Display the connection bar when in fullscreen mode works properly.
- Citrix: webcam Microsoft VX 2000 when using Teams HDX optimization works properly
- RDP session configured with RDP file works properly.
- VPN: SonixWall NetExtender and OpenVPN work properly.
- Kernel version updated to version 5.15.77.
- IBM iAccess client updated to version
- Improved support to D9154 and D9254 models.
- VNC server with password works properly.
- Citrix connection using client 19.12 works properly.
- Fixed bug: T9250 devices loose license when updated to ThinOX12.
- Fixed bug: Session name on thinman appears without last character.
- Praim client: "Remember last user" works properly.
- Praim client: "Changing Expired LDAP password" works properly.
- ThinOX running on Dell Wyse 5040 turns off properly.
- VPN connection is not supported.
- Family device: ThinOX-19
- Kernel version 5.15.77
- New default device hostname follows the pattern TXPRAIM-XXXXXX.
- Citrix Receiver: 19.12.0, 22.07.0 with optimization support for MS Teams
- VMware Horizon View Client: 5.5.2, 2206 with optimization support for MS Teams
- RDP client: Legacy, 2.0, 2.8.0 (seen as on the RDP Global settings)
- UDS version 3.5.0
- Firefox version: 101.0.1
- Chrome version: 97.0
- Zoom plug-in on Citrix VDI available as add-on (version 5.10.6).
- Security improvement.
- Extended Multi-Monitor configuration.
- User Interface enhacements.
- VPN connection is not supported.
- VNC client connection is not supported.