Each package of the ThinMan Repository where the Repository Replica is enabled can be associated to specific ThinMan Gateways.
Also, you can configure a specific ThinMan Gateway with certain packages to be replicated .
For more information, read below.
Package type replica setting
Remember that on ThinMan - General Options - Gateway tab you can established which types of packages you want to be replicated on the ThinMan Gateways
In order to associate ThinMan Gateways to a specific package, select the package on the ThinMan Package Repository.
Click on the Replica button
Check the box of the ThinMan Gateways you want the package to be replicated and then click on OK.
In order to associate packages to a specific ThinMan Gateway, right click on the gateway and select the Set Packages Replica option.
The Set Package Replica window will open.
Check the box of the packages you want to be replicated on the selected ThinMan Gateway.