From ThinMan 8.2.1 it has been improved the management of the Package Repository’s replica towards the ThinMan Gateway.
The features are:
- Setting the maximum bandwidth used for replication.
- Setting the time slot in which the replication will be performed.
- Selection of packages types to replicate on each GTW
Read below to understand how to set default values for these features. These values will be set at the moment the gateway is accepted.
These features are available only with the Feature Pack Network+.
It can be defined only by the ThinManRoot.
On the ThinMan local console go to Tools menu -> General Options -> Gateway. It will open the window below.
- Gateway Services
In this section you can define the services you will use on the gateway:
- WOL Relay: by selecting this option the gateway will be used to wake up devices on its local network.
- Repository Replica: by selecting this option the ThinMan repository will be replicated on the gateway.
Devices in remote branch offices will be able to download the update packages (e.g. firmware update, agile update, etc.) directly from the gateway, saving time and bandwidth.
- Package Repository Replica
- Set Maximum bandwith limit for the Replica: it defines the maximum bandwidth to be used for the replica. Notice that it is expressed in Kilobyte per second. The minimum value allowed is 20 Kb/s, lower values will be considered as 20.
- Set time slot for replica: it defines the starting time and ending time for the replica. E.g. making the replica during the night. If the from value is greater than the to value, it means the replica will happen from one day to the other. On the below example, the replica will happen between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. In case the replica does not finish on time, it will be suspended until the next time window.
- Set the package type for replica: it defines which types of packages can be replicated on the gateway. From ThinMan 8.5.0 it is possible to replicate Windows Device Factory Image, Windows Device Image and Windows Device Backup Image.
Package types not allowed to replicate
As shown on the above image, it is not possible to replicate the Gateway Firmware.