After installing and configuring the gateway. This will notify to its ThinMan Server. On the local console, the gateway will be displayed under the ThinMan Gateways folder on the Tree Area .
The above picture shows the notification of a new ThinMan Gateway device. When the gateway notifies to the ThinMan Server for the first time, it will be shown on the local console with the status "to be accepted"(highlighted with a yellow question mark next to the green circle). In order to be operational, the ThinMan Gateway has to be accepted by its ThinMan Server.
ThinMan Gateway Status
Read more about the ThinMan Gateway status icons.
In order to accept a pending ThinMan Gateway, right click on it and select Accept.
The device will immediately change its status icon, meaning it has been accepted.
Now the ThinMan Gateway device is approved and ready to cooperate profitably with the ThinMan Server.
ThinMan features (e.g. sending commands to devices, receive notifications from them, WOL relay) are enabled and require no further configuration. Be sure you have not changed the default parameters on the Default Gateway Configuration.
To check the effective activation of the WOL relay service, right click on the Gateway device and select the Set Services option.
It will open the Gateway Set Services window, you will see the WOL Relay option selected.