Gateway Services Requirement
The features Replica Bandwidth Limit and Replica Time Slot are available from ThinMan 8.2.1 and only with the Feature Pack Network+.
Default Gateway Configuration
Before enabling the ThinMan Gateway Services check the default Gateway Configuration
Once the ThinMan Gateway has been accepted by its referring ThinMan Server, ThinMan functionalities (remote assistance, device management, sending commands, sending/receiving devices' notifications, ThinMan login and profile management) are now available through the ThinMan Gateway to all the devices referring to it. In order to configure ThinMan Gateway services, right click on the Gateway device and select the Set Services option.
It will open the Gateway Set Services window.
WOL Relay & ThinMan Gateway
The Ethernet WOL feature allows to turn on a stand by device supporting this option and conveniently configured.The WOL has been developed using special Ethernet packets called magic packets that are broadcasted on the entire network. As it is well known, all border routers do not forward broadcast packets, so it would be impossible to transfer a ThinMan WOL packet to a device placed on a remote network.
In case you have deployed a VPN allowing direct access to the remote LAN where the turning on device is placed, ThinMan can submit WOL command as long as at least another device is turned on.
The ThinMan Gateway overcomes these limits through its WOL relay service. Using ThinMan gateway WOL relay service you do not need VPN nor a remote device always on anymore.
When the WOL Relay service is enabled, every request to power on devices will be managed by ThinMan automatically using the ThinMan Gateway.
After the ThinMan Gateway has been accepted by its ThinMan Server, the ThinMan Gateway WOL relay service is enabled.
Once this option has been enabled and you pressed the OK button of the Gateway Set Services window, the replica will start. On the Detailed Area you will see the status of each package to be replicated.
Once the replication has finished, you will see the status Replicated.
The ThinMan Server will maintain all remote Package Repository Replica updated and aligned with the central ThinMan Server Package Repository.
Devices in remote branch offices will be able to download the update packages (e.g. firmware update, agile update, etc.) directly from the gateway, saving time and bandwidth.
It defines the maximum bandwidth to be used for the replica. Notice that it is expressed in Kilobyte per second. The minimum value allowed is 20 Kb/s, lower values will be considered as 20.
It defines the starting time and ending time for the replica. E.g. making the replica during the night. If the from value is greater than the to value, it means the replica will happen from one day to the other. On the below example, the replica will happen between 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. In case the replica does not finish on time, it will be suspended until the next time window.
Possible Package Types for Replica
ThinMan Gateway supports the replica of the following package types:
- ThinOX Firmware, Praim Update, Praim Service Pack, PraimBerry OS Update
- Agile Update
- Praim Hotfix, ThinOX Addon, ThinOX Patch, AddOns
- Executable Setup, Windows Installer, Power Shell Script, Batch Command
- Snapshot
- Windows Device Factory Image
- Windows Device Image, Windows Device Backup Image
The button Load Default Values will load the default values set on the default Gateway Configuration.