A resource of type Citrix can connect a Citrix Farm directly or through a Netscaler.
¶ Resource Type and Name
select Citrix and write the name of the resource.
- Autostart: When enabled, the resource starts immediately after the boot or after the ThinMan Login connection. If more than one resource has been configured with the Autostart parameter activated, all these resources will start simultaneously.
- ThinMan Smart Identity Pass-through: To be used only when using the ThinMan Login. When enabled, the resource uses the ThinMan Login credentials to log in the resource.
- Ignore SSL errors: When enabled, the connection to the resource is established despite the certificate problems. This option is typically used in a test environment.
- Hide Topbar: when this option is enabled, it hides the Citrix topbar on a desktop.
- Force fullscreen: when this option is enabled and the server does not impose other options the desktop will run on fullscreen.
Credentials Pass through & Presentation modes
Please remember that you can use the ThinMan Smart Identity Pass-through functionality to directly access the resource. Note that ThinMan Login is not available in the Classical Windows presentation mode.
It is possible to set a specific action when a resource is closed.
- No Action: It is the default value. When selected and the resource is closed the device does not execute any other actions.
- Logout: When selected and the resource is closed the device executes a logout operation. This option is useful when using the ThinMan Login feature. Without ThinMan Login, this option closes all the opened resources.
- Reboot: If selected, when a resource is closed the device is rebooted.
- Poweroff: If selected, when a resource is closed the device is powered off.
It allows to define what happens on the server side when the user executes the logout command:
- Remote session logoff: it logs off the remote desktop/application if the server allows doing that.
- Remote session disconnect: it disconnects the remote desktop/application if the server allows doing that.
- No action: no action is taken, the Citrix server has to be configured to execute one of the operations.
Write the URL of the farm that can be reached using a browser.
¶ Domain
Write the domain field in order not to be editable by the end user in the login phase. When left empty, the user can insert it later on the credentials form.
- Hide domain in login form: it allows hiding the domain field in the login form. If the Domain field is left blank then the user can log in using the UPN or DLN login name formats (e.g. UserName@DNSDomainName or DOMAIN\UserName). If the Domain field is precompiled, the user cannot change it using the previous formats and could only insert its username.
- Autostart resource if unique": when enabled, and there is only one desktop/app available to the user, it will be launched automatically right after the connection to the farm has been established.
- Autostart resource name: write the name of the published desktop/app to start automatically right after the connection to the farm has been established.
¶ Resources filter by type and by name
Use the Filter Configuration to define some rules that will filter the desktops and the applications that are shown to the user. Remember that resources can be automatically distributed to different users using the ThinMan Login and User Policies whenever you use the locked-down presentation modes: Desktop, Multi-Apps, Single-App and Quick-App.\It is possible to select only Desktops, only Applications or both of them.
Click on Add filter to apply filters to the resources based on the name and type of operation. The name is evaluated case-insensitively, meaning that desktop is considered equal to Desktop.
Valid Operations are:
- ==: resources whose name is exactly the Text field.
- !=: resources whose name is different from the Text field.
- like: resources whose name contains the Text field as a substring.
- not like: resources whose name does not contain the Text field as a substring.
On the above example, the resources shown are whose name contains Desktop as substring (e.g.: desktopWin10, PersonalDesktop, StrangeDesktopForAll, etc.).
You can add multiple filters in the Resources filter by Name section. All these filters are composed using the logical union operator.
- == Notepad + like Desktop: it will show the resource named "Notepad" and those that contain the word Desktop in the name.
- == notepad + == Word: it will show the resource named "notepad" and the resource named Word.
- not like Paint: it will show all the resources that not contains paint as part of the name.
Use this part when using a Netscaler or Gateway, press the Set value CitrixReceiver to indicate it as UserAgent.
You can use this button to be sure that the server is reachable.
ThinMan Login & Credentials Pass-through
By using the ThinMan Login and enabling the ThinMan Smart Identity Pass-through option, credentials will no longer be requested. Instead, ThinMan Login credentials will automatically be used for the resource connection.