Go to Windows Start and open the Praim Agile Configurator.
Praim Windows devices
All Praim Windows thin clients are pre-configured with 2 users: Admin and User with administrator and user privileges respectively. Both users are pre-configured with a default password (Admin and User, Praim highly suggests to change this default password). To change user press ctrl + alt + cancOn the first startup, the device will access Windows with the User user who does not have enough privileges to access the Praim Agile configurator. To access the Praim Agile configurator write the Admin's password.
The below wizard appears at the first start of the Agile configurator only on Praim thin clients
Click on MORE OPTIONS to change the keyboard layout.
Select your preferences and click on Next.
All Praim thin clients are pre-configured to point a ThinMan server through a DHCP option value (163) and a DNS option value (PRAIMSERVER). If you have changed the default DNS value, Insert the ThinMan server address you are using and click on NEXT; otherwise, click on SKIP.
Finally, click on DONE to access the agile configurator.
All Praim Windows thin clients have a write filter to protect the disk/flash memory from undesired writings and to avoid not necessary flash memory activities.
The filter redirects I/O requests coming from the processes to temporary savings into the RAM. The data temporarily stored in RAM remain accessible to the users as long as the thin client is powered-on.
When a device reboots, it starts from the previously saved configuration, no savings are made in the flash memory during the running phase of the thin client.
The write filter is also a benefit that helps to extend the life of the flash memory.
Windows Embedded uses a write filter which has to be disabled in order to allow permanently writing onto the disk. Remember that changing the write filter status needs a device reboot.
Proceed by disabling the Write Filter in order the configuration changes to be applied.
The interface shows a menu on the left side, click on the ThinMan Settings section to verify the device has been configured correctly to the ThinMan server.
As mentioned on the previous paragraph, Praim Agile is pre-configured with a DHCP option value(163) and a DNS option value(PRAIMSERVER). The device will use first the DHCP option and then the DNS option to contact the ThinMan server.
For more information, read how to configure your DHCP server with the option 163 as well as how to configure your DNS server with the PRAIMSERVER hostname.
If the ThinMan component has been configured correctly, you should see on the ThinMan console, the value WSS on the column Notified. See image below.
The proper configuration of the ThinMan component is particularly important in case you want to automatize operations on the device through an Scheduled Activity, an Event Activity or a Device Policy.
For more information, please refer to the Agile - Resources section.
For more information, please refer to the Agile - Presentation Modes section.
To protect the disk, enable the Write Filter.
Note that all the parameters indicated on the Agile Configurator could be automatically distributed on multiple devices using the ThinMan Profiles and Policies.