"Add Group" allows adding a group inside the Devices tree. A group may collect and group devices.
Insert the name for the new group and click on "OK".
Once you create a Group you can associate it with an IP Range (See Network tree on how to define IP Ranges). You can eventually associate a Group to an IP Range after with the Group Properties command.
Click on "No" to just create the Group.
The group is created under the "Devices" tree. The newly created group can be then configured, see Group Properties for all the details.
"Show all Devices" allows to show the list of all devices contained in the "Devices" tree and all its groups and subgroups.
You can enter a string that is used to filter devices. The string is used to match many attribute values; e.g., Name, IP Address, Subnet, Model, Status, MAC Address, Serial Number, Version, Hardware and other attributes are used to match the filter.
The Classifier attributes are not searchable.
You can also select some attribute values using the available combo box.
If you leave the string and the attribute values blank, all the devices available in the "Devices" tree and its groups and subgroups are listed. Click on "OK" to show all the devices matching the inserted string.
Is the same command available under the Export Inventory Menu.
For a detailed description see Network Browsing and Device Refreshing.
This command reorganizes devices based on the IP Range associated with each group. It seamlessly transfer devices from one group to another without requiring a device restart.
Remind that devices that do not belong to an IP Range associated with a Group, will remain on the current position and are not altered by this command.
Close all subgroups so only first level groups and devices in the tree are visible. It's useful to clear up and close all the opened groups in just one command.
Remove all Devices: remove from the tree all devices but maintain groups hierarchy and groups properties. The operation will need confirmation, and it cannot be undone. Remove All Groups and Devices: remove from the "Devices" tree all devices and all groups. The operation will need confirmation, and it cannot be undone.
Devices properties will present the same configuration window of Group Properties. In this case, properties are applied to the root of the "Devices" tree.
Allows configuring which attributes are visible and their visualization order. More information on Options - Devices Details Tab.