Praim Windows Devices
In all Praim Windows devices Agile4PC is already licensed and available to be used and configured.When the Praim Windows device starts, it will automatically login with the user User(for more information, read Praim Windows devices - default users).
Praim Windows devices are pre-configured to point to a ThinMan Server. We highly recommend to configure the network in order the device finds automatically the ThinMan Server.
Agile4PC can be installed on any Windows device and be activated (licensed) through the ThinMan server.
Starting from version 2.10.5, Agile4PC can be activated exclusively via ThinMan Server.
Please note that a dedicated license is required to use Agile4PC. Ensure that Praim Agile4PC licenses are loaded on your ThinMan Server. For details, refer to ThinMan License Activation or Upgrade), and verify that enough licenses are available for distribution.
To properly use the license, each device mucst connect to the ThinMan Server upon startup. For setup instructions, see Configuring the ThinMan Settings.
Agile4PC Licence Computing
The total amount of Agile4PC licences used is computed based on the number of devices referring to the ThinMan server. Once a PC refers to the ThinMan server and notifies itself to it, an Agile4PC licence is reserved to this device. In order to release a license, you will need to delete an Agile4PC device from ThinMan.
To reassign a license from an unused device, simply delete the device from the ThinMan console. This action will remove the associated license from the License Manager, making it available for use by another device.
When a new device connects to ThinMan, the license is automatically assigned to it.