ThinOX4PC is a secure operating system specially used for remote working.
Follow the next steps the first time you insert the USB key on a device.
In order to work correctly, a ThinMan Server reference is needed.
If the name of the server is different from PRAIMSERVER, write the ThinMan address and click on the button "Confirm new address". Otherwise, you can skip this step by clicking on the button "Skip" or waiting the sixty-second-timeout to conclude this step.
If necessary, select the keyboard language from the keyboard layout.
Once you have selected the ThinMan address you cannot go back but it is possible to change the thinman address afterwards.
Click on "Set up WiFi..." to configure a WiFi network. Otherwise, you can skip this step by clicking on the button "Skip" or waiting the sixty-second timeout to conclude this step. You can force the scan process by clicking on the button "Scan".
Select the WiFi network you want to configure and click on connect to configure the network.
After writing your credentials, click on "Save & Connect".
After establishing a WiFi connection, the device will try to get an IP and connect to the reference ThinMan in order to get a license and a profile.
The ThinMan server will verify the authenticity of the license. If the authentication code of the USB does not correspond to the hardware device, an error of authentication will be presented. After verifying the code, the ThinMan server will validate if there is an available license on ThinMan. See more information on Activate and license ThinOX4PC and Check the license status.
During this phase it is possible that the message below will be shown.
Once the license has been verified and validated, it will be shown the below window.
You can choose the system language, the keyboard layout and the timezone.
After clicking on OK the setup will be finished. Now you can start working with your ThinOX device.
Once a WiFi network is configure, the system will use that connection on the following startups.
The networks that have been configured are highlighted with a green light on the column config.
You can connect to another network by selecting it and clicking on "connect".
It is possible to modify a network configuration by clicking on "Edit".
It is possible to delete an already configured network by clicking on "Forget".