ThinOX4PC: T9050 vs T9250
Remember that on T9050 model the license is linked to a device. To activate the license, the device has to contact the ThinMan Server which will assign it a license (if there is at least one available on the server). In the case of ThinOX4PC as a Live USB Key, the license will be connected to the device in which the USB is inserted. Should it be necessary to change device, the ThinMan administrator can remove the device from the ThinMan Server so that new device can get the released license after its notification to ThinMan.While on T9250 model the license is linked to the USB provided by Praim. The USB contains already the license which is validated everytime the device notifies to ThinMan Server. The solution is fully mobile. It will work independently from the device where the USB is inserted(no limit for the number of devices where it can be connected)
When you buy licenses for ThinOX4PC from your vendor, you will receive a file of type ".lic" that has to be loaded on the ThinMan Server.
Access the ThinMan console and select the menu "Tools" -> "ThinMan License".
From this window, you can check the available licenses. The "License Value" column indicates how many licenses are available on the ThinMan Server.
Click on the "Import License file" button and select, browsing the file system, the obtained license file and click on "Open".
The new license will update the "License Value" and "Details" fields in the "ThinOX for PC License" profile.
ThinOX4PC license
The ThinOX4PC license is verified by ThinMan on every startup, if by any reason the device cannot contact the ThinMan, the device will be unlicensed. Whether you need to work from home, it is necessary the ThinMan Server be reachable on internet.
You can easily re-assign a license used by a device that is not anymore used by simply deleting the device from the ThinMan console.
The assigned license is deleted from the License Manager, and it can be reused for another device.
Once a new device contacts the ThinMan the license is assigned to the new device.