The Security tab enables controlled access to the terminal and its configuration screens. This may be done by the system administrator by “locking down” the terminal; so, making the terminal configuration unavailable to the normal user.
Deny Connection Changes: if enabled does not allow the user to edit or even access the configuration menu of connections.
Enable SSH: will enable the SSH service on the thin client. Because the password requested by SSH is the same password used to modify the terminal configuration (see the option five lines below) the best practice is to enable SSH only when you set that password.
Enable USB Mass Storage: this option enables or disables the USB hot-plug detection for USB mass storage device.
Enable PowerOff/Reboot: when flagged will show the "Shut down" button on the Connections Manager window and the shutdown icon in the taskbar.
Enable Console: if enabled allows to open a console pressing the hot-keys combination <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <Alt> + "0".
Enable Settings in taskbar: if enabled shows the "Settings" icon in the taskbar.
Password required to modify the terminal configuration: this option protects the access to the Settings window. Once the password is configured, it will be asked for accessing the Settings window. This password is also asked when a SSH connection is made from the ThinMan.
Praim strongly suggests setting this password. Remember that it can be easily managed automatically through the Profile Manager on ThinMan.
Remember the password
In case you forget the password, there is no possibility of recovering it. You will need to reset the device to factory default losing all data and configuration on it (for more information, read How to recover a device protected by a password).
All the options inside this section will be working only when the "password required to modify the terminal configuration" option has been enabled and set.
When the above 5 options has been enabled, the Settings window (see below image) will allow the user the possiblity to change the configuration of these features without the need of entering the password.
Show ThinMan Wizard at startup: When setting the terminal to "Factory default" and this option is enabled. The user will be able to establish the "ThinMan Address" on Startup. Be aware that this option will run only once.
Wifi Settings Options
Allow Wifi configuration on start up: when enabled, the user will be able to configure Wifi connections on Startup.
Skip Wifi configuration: this option is disabled by default. It becomes enabled once the user selects the option "Don't ask again. Always skip automatically" appearing on the WiFi configuration window on Startup (see below image). I.e. if this option is disabled, the WiFi configuration will not be shown on startup.