When you need to recover a device protected by a password (configured on the Security panel) and you do not remember it, you will need to follow the steps explained below to reset the device to factory default.
Step 1: press the <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <F> hotkey to access the Praim Factory Reset Request window.
A new window will open showing an Unlocking code.
Open a ticket on MyPraim and write on the description:
Step 2: you will receive an answer with the code that you have to insert in the field Response.
Step 3: finally, press OK to restore the device to the factory default settings (this means that all the configuration and the data on the thin client is erased).
Unlocking code is generated every time you press the hotkey
Whether you "Cancel" the operation (or reboot the device) and press the hotkey again will produce a new "Unlocking" code. So once you give the "Unlocking" code to the Praim Support team don't do anything on the device and wait for the "Response" code. A new "Unlocking" code needs a new "Response" code!
Recovering with linked ThinMan Server
In case you have a ThinMan Server and the device is linked to the thin client (ThinMan Configuration for more information) you can also use the Profile Manager to rewrite the configuration on the device with a new one.