Due to the high number of new features, ThinOX versions 11.0.x are not backward compatible (in terms of configuration) to an older firmware versions.
Read carefully this page to optimize the transition from an older version of firmware to the 11.0.x version.
Firmware Upgrading using ThinMan
To correctly manage ThinOX 11.0.x you need ThinMan version 7.5.0 or greater. Install it before executing all the operations described below.ThinMan allows to manage centrally and automatically ThinOX upgrade to 11.0.x version ONLY for Thin clients with ThinOX 10.1.12 or greater versions. To upgrade a lower version than 10.1.12 to the 11.0.x version; either, a double upgrade is done through ThinMan (upgrade to 10.1.12 version and upgrade to 11.0.x version), or the update is accomplished locally on each client using a USB update pen drive prepared by Praim Toolkit software.
As mentioned earlier the firmware 10.0.x cannot maintain the configuration of the device where it is installed.
Be aware that a firmware upgrade to 11.0.x (from previous versions like 10.0.x, 9.x, 8.x or older) will lose all the configuration made on a device (e.g. upgrading a device from 9.5.x to 11.0.x firmware version will lose all the configuration data).After the installation process the device will be put in a factory default configuration and then it will start as explained in Initial Installation chapter.
Depending on the way you previously configured the devices, you will have a different impact on this issue.
See chapters below to find the most appropriate procedure.
If you configured initially your devices:
then after the firmware upgrading process, you have to re-configure the devices using the same configuration approach: manually, using Remote Assistance or through the Offline Configurations → Receive from Device and Send to Device commands on ThinMan.
Template files and configurations for Receive and Send Configuration commands
Notice that also old Offline Configurations captures or old ThinMan template configuration files will not be compatible with the new firmware version.
In case there is a unique device configuration that has to be deployed on all your devices, the procedure to follow will be:
Anyway, we suggest thinking about using the ThinMan Profile Manager. This allows you to automatically push configuration on the devices and allows to easily maintain many configuration profiles in your network.
See the ThinMan Guide for more information on Profile Management.
If you used the ThinMan Profile Manager to push configuration on the devices, then the approach will be much simpler.
Configuration Sets are not compatible
Notice that the Configuration Sets used by old firmware versions are not compatible with the firmware version 11.0.x or greater.
In this case, before starting of the upgrading process, you have to create new Configuration Sets. This has to be done for every device profile or user profile you have in the Profile Manager.
The steps for this process are:
These steps (except the first) have to be executed for every Profile (Device or User) that is used to push configuration on your devices.
Once all the configuration sets are created it is possible to upgrade the firmware on the devices.
Remember that thinMan allows to manage centrally and automatically ThinOX upgrade to 11.0.x version ONLY for Thin clients with ThinOX 10.1.12 or greater versions. To upgrade a lower version than 10.1.12 to the 11.0.x version; either, a double upgrade is done through ThinMan (upgrade to 10.1.12 version and upgrade to 11.0.x version), or the update is accomplished locally on each client using a USB update pen drive prepared by Praim Toolkit software.
The upgrade of the firmware will put your devices in a default factory configuration, but the Profile Manager will immediately push the correct configuration profile (using the newly created Configuration Sets) on those devices using the same Policies already present in the Profile Manager.
Using the Template Repository you can easily find the compatibility between templates and their respective configuration information. The Family attribute indicates the configuration compatibility between device models and firmware versions. Having templates with the same Family means that the template (and its configuration content) are compatible. In the case above, firmware version 8.8.26 and 10.0.0 are not cross-compatible (even if the model C9050 is the same for both).