The image below shows the contextual menu of an Agile4PC device.
This command allows to update the Agile agent on the device.
For a complete guide on Agile upgrade you can read: Installing and upgrading Praim Agile
From the Package Repository, select the Agile setup file to install and click "OK" to execute the update on the device (to add the Agile package to the package repository read the Package Repository Menu).
On the subsequent dialog box click "Yes" to start the update.
Once the setup file is selected, the command is sent to the workstation. The file is firstly transferred to the workstation, and then the installation procedure starts (the file is executed on the workstation).
If the Agile device points to the ThinMan Server no more information is needed. Otherwise, if the Agile device is not linked to the ThinMan Server (column notified: "HTTPS Unlinked"), the credentials of an administrative account (if not already stored in ThinMan) will be asked.
You can store the user and the password using the Store Credential command.
It allows installing third-party software on the Agile device. This feature allows distributing software on the PC/workstation.
The process is used to send generic installation files (It supports: *.exe, *.msi, *.bat, *.ps1). The file has to be inserted into the Package Repository Menu.
From the Package Repository, select the file to install and click "OK" to confirm your choice.
After you select the file that has to be installed, the dialog proposes the parameters inserted into the Package Repository (e.g. execute the installation file with no necessity of user interaction). You can eventually change them by inserting new parameters that have to be used when the setup file is executed on the specific device. You can save the default parameters for that package by checking the "Save as default" property (the property appears after the parameters are changed).
IMPORTANT WARNING: Third Party Software Installation
The installation of a third party software onto a device NEEDS to be executed in an unattended way without any interaction of the user. So prepare your software to be installed without requesting any action from external users. If you want to install software prepared by other company/people, be sure that in the command line some parameters allow executing the software silently and in unattended mode (typically parameters could be /SILENT /VERYSILENT /S and so on). Executing a file that requests user interaction on devices, could result in an uncompleted installation on the device or in an inconsistent status on the devices that may lead to subsequent problems on them.
The "Launcher" parameter is automatically configured if needed, leave blank in other cases (e.g., for "*.msi" packages it is initialized with "msiexec.exe" value).
Click "OK" to start the installation phase on the Agile device.
In some cases, the execution of *.ps1 file is disabled on Windows devices. To enable it you can refer to How to enable execution of *.ps1 file (Powershell) on a PC
The three commands explained below allows you to control automatic Windows updates on Agile4PC devices.
This functionality prevents automatic Windows updates execution on the Agile endpoint. After the deactivation, Windows updates will no longer be automatic until they are Activated again.
In case the device has a write filter(e.g. Windows Enterprise), be sure it is disabled in order to have access to this functionality.
This functionality allows automatic Windows updates to be executed on the endpoint.
In case the device has a write filter(e.g. Windows Enterprise), be sure it is disabled in order to have access to this functionality.
This functionality controls the immediate execution of automatic Windows updates regardless their current status (activated/deactivated).
The procedure will automatically:
Only mandatory updates will be downloaded and applied (optional updates are always avoided). In particular, you may prefer to update only the Windows components excluding the drivers (to avoid changes in support to your hardware). Choose the type of update you want to apply:
Click on Proceed. Be aware, once you confirm the operation, it will be executed immediately. I.e. the endpoint will not be available until finishing the installation which may require a long time and a few restarts.
Scheduled/Event Activity
Remember you can automatize each of the previous described operations by creating an schedule activity or an Event Activity.
Windows updates
If you need to control Windows updates on your devices. We suggest to create an scheduled activity to deactivate the automatic Windows updates. Then, whenever you need to run Windows updates, create an scheduled activity to Check for and install Windows updates.