These commands are for old thin client model based on XPe and WES 7 (version lower than 4.0.0). For Windows 10 IoT and WES 7 (version greater than 4.1.1) devices use the Contextual Menu - Device Update (Windows Devices only).
This functionality is useful to backup entire firmware image from a thin client to a shared file system. The saved backup image can be used to restore a thin client (see Image Restore Menu for details).
This procedure can be apply only on XPe (XP Embedded) and WES7 (Windows Embedded Standard 7) firmware based model.
It use PXE/TFTP protocol so please refer to Options - PXE/TFTP Tab to configure them.
When launched it will present a windows with some parameters to initialize.
Insert device MAC Address in the MAC Address field.
Select which thin client model we are backing up. This is important; an error in the model and the procedure will not work.
Once you have selected the model it is automatically select to make a "Backup Image".
Click on "OK" to confirm and proceed to next step. A new window will open.
The list of already saved backup image is showed. Now insert a filename for the new backup image (in this example "test03") and click on "OK" to continue.
Now ThinMan is waiting for the device. Because this is a generic procedure you must turn on manually the device and wait for PXE to start (see How to set PXE Boot on thin client if the thin client isn't configured to start with PXE boot).
Once the thin client is started and PXE boot is active (you can easily verify from thin client monitor) the window will show operation progress. After a while (depending on network speed, bandwidth and image size) it will disappear (reached 100%). On the shared network you will have the new image file.
This functionality is useful to restore on a thin client a previously saved firmware image (see Image Backup Menu for more details).
It can also be used to restore a cloning image (see Contextual Menu - Device Update Particular Features For Less Recent Windows Versions for the cloning detailed procedure) or to restore a factory image obtained from Praim (
This procedure can be apply only on XPe and WES7 firmware based model.
It use PXE/TFTP protocol so please refer to Options - PXE/TFTP Tab to configure them.
When launched it will present a windows with some parameters to initialize.
Insert device MAC Address in the MAC Address field.
Select which thin client model we are backing up. This is important; an error in the model and the procedure will not work.
Select from which image file type you will restore the thin client.
Selecting the correct image type it's important for the following file selection. Be sure that the image file containing the firmware is placed in the shared directory indicated in Options - PXE/TFTP Tab. Click on "OK" to confirm and proceed to next step. A new window will open.
Select from the shared directory the image file you will restore on the device. Click on "OK" to confirm and proceed to next step
Confirm the choice by clicking on "Yes".
Click on "OK" before to reboot the device.
If the thin client was never discovered by ThinMan you may request to insert serial number and license code. You can click on "Skip" if you want these parameters will requested by thin client. You may insert the informations directly here, in this case click on "Registration" button.
Now ThinMan is waiting for the device. Because this is a generic procedure you must turn on manually the device and wait for PXE to start (see How to set PXE Boot on thin client if the thin client isn't configured to start with PXE boot).
Once the thin client is started and PXE boot is active (you can easily verify from thin client monitor) the window will show operation progress. After a while (depending on network speed, bandwidth and image size) it will disappear (reached 100%). After this operation the thin client will reboot with the newly installed firmware.