File Menu is related to browse and refresh devices in the tree, make a backup and restore of a ThinMan installation, and exit from the console.
Connect and Disconnect will close the current working session and to connect to a new one. Using these command, with ThinMan Access Control enabled, allows to change users on the same console (local or remote).
See Network Browsing and Device Refreshing for a complete description of these commands.
Sometimes there is the necessity to browse some defined IP Address(es). Launch this command will open a new window.\
Select IP Address option from:
Clicking on "OK" to launch the discovery process. See Toolbars -> Status Bar to know if a process is running.
Beware that this operation will "add" a discovery process to eventually pre-existent others. See Toolbars -> Status Bar to know if a process is already running and see Stop Device Discovery to eventually stop this operation. "TCP Discovery" can be very long operation.
See How to Backup and Restore a ThinMan Installation for a complete description of these commands. They are just a reminder that an external command has to be launched.
If a Device Discovery process is running (see Toolbars -> Status Bar to know if a process is running) it can be stopped with this command.
TCP discovery can be very long process because of network time-out so can be useful to stop it (and eventually relaunch it).
The taskbar will display the last 10 executed tasks. To access the taskbar history it is necessary to have the ThinMan Advanced license with Admin+ feature pack.
Exit Menu will close the console. ThinMan Services will still be alive and work continuously to collect data from thin client and responding to their request. To stop or restart ThinMan Services see How to Stop and Start ThinMan Services.