Below you can find the explanation of how to update Citrix Workspace for Windows 10IoT from ThinMan.
Download Citrix Workspace App from the Citrix Site.
Upload the file on the Package Repository.
For more information on how to upload a file on the package repository read ThinMan - Tools Menu - Package Repository.
Select from the contextual menu of the device: device update – Third Party Software Installation
From the Package Repository, select the setup file to install and click "OK" to confirm.
After selecting the file to be installed, a new dialog box opens, allowing additional parameters to be inserted.
On the Command line textbox write: EnableCEIP=False /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled /silent
The installation of third-party software onto a device NEEDS that the installation file be executed unattended (/silent). Executing a file on devices that request user interaction could result in an incomplete installation or an inconsistent status on the device that may lead to subsequent problems.
Click on OK.
For more details on How to install Third-Party Software, read more on ThinMan: Contextual Menu - Device Update Windows Devices only