On a Citrix environment, the smart cards can be managed using the SmartCard Virtual Channel or using the HDX USB Redirection.
In this case, the Smart Cards are exported using the standard Smart Card Virtual Channel and not through the USB redirection.
Steps to follow:
In this case, the Smart Cards are exported using the Citrix HDX USB Redirection.
Steps to follow:
Depending on whether the "PCOIP Smart Card" component is installed in the Virtual Machine, two different ways to export the Smart Card are suggested.
How to check the Smart Card component on the Virtual Desktop
To check if the PCoIP Smart Card component is installed it is necessary to search for the following registry key on the Virtual Desktop: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VMware,Inc.\VMware VDM\Plugins\wsnm\scredirIf the entry exists then the component “PCOIP Smart Card” is installed.
In this case, the Smart Cards are exported using the standard Smart Card Virtual Channel. Steps to follow:
In this case, the Smart Card is exported using the VMware View USB Redirection. Steps to follow:
The Smart Card is exported using the standard Smart Card Virtual Channel.
Share the Smart card
On the RDP resource, go to the Resources tab and press More... on the Local devices section. Be sure the Smart Cards option is enabled. For more information, read Remote Desktop Client Connection - Resources Tab - Local Devices.
Steps to follow: