ThinOX, RDP and Webcams
Be aware that Webcams cannot be redirected on ThinOX RDP connections.
Remote Desktop Client connection requires a Microsoft Remote Desktop Services server active and reachable over the network.
This page explains the RDP Connection configuration manager that oversees to 4 possible connection types available based on RDP protocol.
The first tab of the RDP Connection configuration manager allows to define the connection type.
Some tabs of the RDP Connection configuration manager may not be displayed, this depends on the selected connection type. The parameters of a tab can be enabled or disabled based on the connection type and the RDP version set in Client Version options in RDP Global Settings.
When no restrictions are reported for a tab, it means that it is shared with all connection type.
Tabs and options variability in RDP Connection Configurator
RDP connection configurator tabs and options available may vary based on:
- Connection Type selected in the Type tab;
- Client version option set in RDP Global Settings present in Configuration Settings → Control Panel.
On the Type tab insert the name of the connection and select the connection type for the RDS connection. They are:
Connection Types Options Available
The following connection types: Web Client, Praim Desktop Client and Custom File are not available with the Legacy Client Version. Check the client version on the RDP Global Settings.
On the General tab you have to write the Computer address (can be an IP Address or a hostname) where the RDS server resides.
You can insert the credentials (User name, Password and Domain) to log in automatically to the server. In this case, no information needs to be entered by the user when the connection starts. It is also possible to precompile only User Name and/or Domain and let the end user write only the password.
Other options that can be enabled are:
This tab is available only when in the Type tab the Remote Desktop Client connection type has been selected.
On the Display tab is possible to configure parameters regarding screen and presentation.
Desktop Size: allows selecting the connection windows dimensions. Available options are: Full Screen, Maximized and Custom Fixed Size.
Width and Height: enabled only if Desktop Size option is set to Custom Fixed Size, they allow to customize dimensions in pixel for the connection windows.
Multimonitor: this control is available only if the device is configured to use the dual monitor (see menu Settings → User Interface → Video Settings ) If the Desktop Size option is set to Full Screen, Multimonitor option allows to define if the connection will use both monitors (Fill Two Screens) or only one of them (Fill One Screen). Selecting Fill One Screen then it's possible set which screen the connection will occupy. If the Desktop Size option is set to Maximize option only the Fill One Screen option is available. Selecting Custom Fixed Size on Desktop Size option, Multimonitor feature will be disabled.
Colors: allows selecting the color bit depth of the connection.
Display the connection bar when in full-screen mode: when enabled visualizes on the top a connection bar. The connection bar appears when the mouse is placed near the top margin of the screen. It displays the IP Address or hostname of the RDS server and allows to close the connection and to pin the bar to be always visible.
This tab is available only when in the Type tab the Remote Desktop Client connection type has been selected.
The Resources tab allows configuring which and how local devices are treated by the connection.
Clicking on Audio Settings... will open the following window.
The Remote Audio Playback feature defines how the audio generated by the remote session is treated. The options available are:
The Remote Audio Recording feature defines how the audio recording is treated. The options are :
On the Keyboard section select if keys combinations have to be applied:
On Local devices section you may select to share local devices in the remote session.
Printers and Clipboard can be shared by selecting the appropriate checkbox.
Pressing More... will open a new configuration window allowing more choices.
Many local devices can be enabled to be shared with the remote session:
The Experience tab allows defining which features has to be enabled or disabled on the remote connection. These features affect bandwidth usage and local/remote CPU usage.
A list of predefined sets are available and can be selected using the combo box. The features can be also individually flagged. Depending on the RDP Global Settings not all the features may be available.
The three last options Bitmap caching, Cursor blink and Cursor shadow are enabled only if Client Version option in RDP Global Settings is set to RDP 7.
The parameter Reset Caps Lock at connection start will disable the Caps Lock status when the connection starts.
The parameter Reconnect if the connection is dropped retries to connect to the server if the connection dropped for some reasons (e.g. network failure, etc.).
On the Security tab you can configure the part related to the Security options:
Enable TLS encryption layer: allows using TLS (Transport Layer Security) to encrypt communication. TLS has to be enabled also on the server side. Read Microsoft server documentation for more information (e.g. for Windows Server 2008, other versions of O.S. might have different documentation).
Server certificate check failure options: define the system behavior during connection establishing, depending on certificate check result, if the connection has to be executed, rejected or (to manage certificates click on "Import CA certificate", see below). Possible options are:
Enable NLA authentication if available on remote side: if enabled and supported by the RDS server, it requests credential before to start the connection. NLA authentication feature has to be enabled even on the server side. Read Microsoft server documentation for more information (e.g. for Windows Server 2008, other versions of O.S. might have different documentation).
Certificate Management
Remember that the certificates for the Remote Desktop Client can be added and managed from the Certificate Manager window available in the Control Panel. Read About Certificates to have information on the format of certificates.
You can also specify the configuration of the Remote Desktop Gateway (RDP 8.1 or higher):
Misc tab allow to set RDP advanced options: some options may be enabled or disabled depending on which RDP version has been selected on the RDP Global Settings window:
Advanced options
RDP Broker
Enhanced options for Protocol version 7 or 8.1:
Desktop Client tab allows to set the RemoteApps that have to auto-start when a RDP Praim Desktop Client connection is initiated. It's possible enter a list of auto-starting RemoteApps separated by semicolon.
On the RDP File tab you can import a file with .rdp extension that contains all the information to connect a server (e.g. you can use a file .rdp that you create on a Windows PC). Save the file on a USB Key and connect it to the device. Click on Browse button.
Navigate to the USB Key and select the RDP file that contains all the information for the connection. Click on Import to import the file in the connection.