RDP Praim Desktop Client connection requires a Microsoft server (at least 2012 R2) with RD Web Access enabled and configured.
This kind of connection allows to enjoy a different user interface to access an RD Web Server.
When a RDP Praim Desktop Client connection is launched, a request for user credentials appears on the user desktop.
Enter user credentials and press Login
After login, all resources (applications and virtual desktops) published on Microsoft RD Web Access server are added straight to the device desktop.
You can also select one application and run it. A mouse double-click on an icon will start the specific application (e.g. in the image above WordPad and Calc application are started) each one in a dedicate window.
You can launch multiple applications on the same device desktop. For each application running a related application-icon is displayed on the taskbar.
Once an RDP Praim Desktop connection has been started, the icon-control shown below appears on the taskbar.
By clicking on it, a pop-up windows opens listing all applications available and, at the bottom, the Disconnect command icon.
Multiple RDP Praim Desktop Client connections can be created on desktop, but ONLY one at a time can be run. If you try to lunch a second RDP Praim Desktop connection when one is already running, the following error message will be displayed.
RDP Praim Desktop Client connection requires a Microsoft server (at least 2012 R2) with RD Web Access enabled and configured.
To create a RDP web Client Connection, in the *Type *tab of RDP Connection Configurator assign a Connection name and then select Praim Desktop Client as Connection Type option.
In the General tab, set the Computer option to the RD Web Access server address: type the URL pointing to the RDP Web Server, typically https://server_FQDN/RDWeb where server_FQDN is a placeholder for server public name.
In case you are using a public certificate, be sure the server name exposed in the URL matches with the server name included in the RDP Web access server public certificate.
Pay attention to the protocol that could be "http" or "https" depending on Microsoft RD Web Access server configuration. In any case refer to your RDP farm specialist about the correct RDP Web Server URL to use.
For more details about other connection configuration tabs refer to Remote Desktop Client Connection page.