The Startup panel lets you specify which software should run automatically when the device starts. Its functionality mirrors the Startup tab in the Windows Task Manager and displays the programs configured there for startup.
To add a new entry in the Startup panel click on ADD STARTUP and enter the name and the path of the executable software.
Executable software: Path with whitespaces
When the path contains whitespaces be sure to write the path between double quotation marks ("")
Once a new executable is added to the startup list, you can Enable or Disable it by clicking on the check or X icon, respectively (see image below). For example, in the list shown below, all entries except NetExtender will run when the device starts in Windows or Desktop mode.
Click on the A icon (see image below) to Enable or Disable the software's execution during startup in other modes, such as Multi-Apps, Single App, Quick App, and WebApp.
You can Remove an entry from this list by clicking on the bin icon, which becomes visible when you hover over the entry. Removing an entry from this list does not delete or uninstall the software from the device; it simply ensures the software is no longer included in the applications you wish to enable or disable at startup.
Distributing Startup parameters through the Profile Manager
You can distribute the startup configuration through the profile manager. When you create a profile with an Agile configuration. It will contain the list of enabled/disabled executables at startup. If a startup entry is added to the list and you create a profile with this configuration, the new entry and its corresponding status(enabled/disabled) will be added to the startup list in the devices associated to the policy . Be aware, you cannot remove an entry from the startup list through a policy. Once an executable is added to the startup list and this configuration is distributed to other devices through a policy, it cannot be removed from the startup list on those devices. You can only enable/disable it.
Profile and 32-64 bit Windows OS When this configuration is managed using a ThinMan Profile, it can be delivered it to both 32- or 64-bit Windows operating system. In this case, the Agile configurator will verify the correct installation path before starting the software (e.g. it checks both Program Files and Program Files (x86) directories).