The Remote Assistance allows remote management of the device via the ThinMan Console or compatible third-party VNC clients.
These parameters are managed by ThinMan Profiles
Please note that Remote Assistance parameters can be automatically distributed to multiple devices using the ThinMan Profiles and Policies. For more information, refer to Use ThinMan Profile and Policy to send configuration automatically.
Access the Praim Agile settings to configure the Remote Assistance parameters on the device.
To activate, select Remote Assistance from the left menu and enable it. Once enabled, additional settings become visible and can be modified.
When enabled, a remote connection icon is displayed in the tray bar.
When disabled, the Remote Assistance session hides the device wallpaper for better performance.
This section lets you configure settings for requestes initiated from the ThinMan Console. The VNC server on the device starts only when a Remote Assistance request is initiated from ThinMan.
Require User Authorization If enabled, a prompt appear on the device, allowing the user to accept or reject the Remote Assistance request from ThinMan.
Auto Accept After n Seconds Automatically accepts a Remote Assistance request after n seconds, useful for unattended devices.
Require Password to Connect When set, ThinMan Console requires this password to gain remote access to the device
This section configures settings for Remote Assistance requests from VNC Clients. Here, the VNC server on the device starts at startup and remains active*.
Available on Windows devices.
In the device's taskbar, you'll see a tray icon. Right-clicking it opens the VNC contextual menu, where options like Close VNC Connections allow you to disconnect the remote assistance session.
The tray icon is available on the Windows and Desktop presentation modes.