When creating a configuration set, ThinMan gives 2 possible options:
- To add a configuration set: applicable to any device belonging to the same family of the configuration set
- To add a configuration set for model: applicable only to those devices belonging to the same model of the configuration set. In this case, you will see the word restricted between parenthesis right after the Model name.
On the above example, it has been created a profile based_profile with 2 configuration sets:
- thinox_master_restricted which is a configuration set for model based on a template saved from an M9254 configuration device.
- thinox_master which is a configuration set based on the same template mentioned before.
When applying this profile through a device policy, the configuration set that will be applied to a device will depend on the model of the device, if the device is an M9254 model it will receive the thinox_master_restricted configuration set; otherwise, it will receive the thinox_master configuration set.