Is it possible to send the offline configuration of a device to another device?
An offline configuration can be send to a device only if the target device belongs to the same family of the source offline configuration device. Similarly, a template can be applied to a device only if this belongs to the same family of the template.
Family is an attribute use to associate the thin client to a specific configuration management category. It is a group of device models with compatible configuration.
The family device is used on all the operations related to an offline configuration/template.
The table below lists all the Families with their corresponding Models and O.S.
Family | Model | Version |
Agile | AgileWin | |
ThinOX-22 | All Citrix vertical models -HDX | >= 12.0.0 |
ThinOX-21 | All Microsoft RDP vertical models -RFX | >= 12.0.0 |
ThinOX-20 | All VMware vertical models -HOR | >= 12.0.0 |
ThinOX-19 | All general purpose models | >= 12.0.0, out-of-support models with ThinOXEM license |
ThinOX-18 | (*)_HDX | >=11.0.1 |
ThinOX-17 | (*)_RFX | >=11.0.1 |
ThinOX-16 | (*)_HOR | >=11.0.1 |
ThinOX-15 | All general purpose models | >=11.0.1 |
ThinOX-14 | A90-HDX e N90-HDX N91-HDX E91-HDX | |
ThinOX-13 | A90-RFX N90-RFX N91-RFX E91-RFX | |
ThinOX-12 | A90-HOR N90-HOR N91-HOR E91-HOR | |
ThinOX-11 | I9050 | >=10.0.0 |
ThinOX-10 | I9030 | >=10.0.0 |
ThinOX-9 | I9020 | >=10.0.0 |
ThinOX-8 | I9010 | >=10.0.0 |
ThinOX-7 | C9010 | >=9.6.0 (10.0.0) |
ThinOX-6 | All ThinOX models | >=9.6.0 |
ThinOX-5 | I9010 (SoC Vert Citrix) | >= 9.5.2 |
ThinOX-4 | I9050 (SoC General Purpose) | >= 9.4.14 |
ThinOX-3 | I9030 (SoC Vert RDP) | >= 9.4.14 |
ThinOX-2 | I9020 (SoC Vert WMVARE) | >= 9.4.14 |
ThinOX-1 | I9010 (SoC Vert Citrix) | >= 9.4.14 |
ThinOX | All ThinOX models | > 8.1.08 |
WES7 | WES7 models | >= 2.0.0 |
WSC | TCeWSC | >= 2.0 |
XPe | XPe models | >= 4.0 |