This control applet allows to create links to a network shared folders.

Click on "Add..." to add a new shared folder; select a folder and click "Edit..." to edit its properties; select a folder and click "Delete" to delete the shared folder from the system.

Each shared folder can be defined according to properties, aspect and credentials management to access resources. When you add or edit a
shared folder you have to:
- select the "Network File System Type" of the folder; available protocols are: SMB, CIFS, NFS;
- "Enable" the shared folder (if you change some properties or you create a new shared folder you have to reboot the device in order to apply the new properties);
- select if you want to "Show Icon on desktop" (be sure that the User Interface is set to "Full Desktop" in order to have an available desktop);
- insert a "Description" (it will be the name of the icon on the desktop or the name of the directory mounted in the file system);
- insert a "Server Host Name/IP" that is the hostname or the IP address of the server that share the directory;
- insert the "Share Name" given to the directory in the server (you can also use a path to access a subfolder in the shared directory; e.g. use "sharename/subdirectory" to access a "subdirectory" in the "sharename" shared folder);
- define if you will provide "Run-time credentials" or "Static Credentials":
- in the first case they will be asked to the user (see below) or they can be inherited from the ThinMan Login (enable "ThinMan Credentials Pass-through"; for more information on ThinMan Login see the ThinMan User Manual);
- in the second case you have to insert "User Name", "Password" (and "Confirm" password) and "Domain Name" (the "Domain Name" can be also entered when runtime credentials is selected, in this case, the request will be populated with the given "Domain Name"; e.g. see below)

E.g.: in this case, the runtime credentials are requested when the thin client starts and the "Domain Name" field is pre-populated.

E.g.: in this case, the icon on the desktop is shown; clicking on it will open a file browser window to browse the directory content.