To enable the Smart Identity feature on one or more ThinOX/Agile devices you must create a Device Policy in order to define:
Note that, a device enabled for the enrollment, is also enabled for the Smart Identity authentication.
Right-click on Devices Policies and select Add Policy.
Enter the name of the policy and optionally, the description. Click on Next to proceed.
The Enable ThinMan Smart Identity enables the associated devices to login through an identification device.
The Enable Enrollment of the identification devices will enable the associated devices to enroll new Identification Devices (smart cards). For more information, read How to enroll an Identification Device (smart card). Select:
Select the above explained parameters according to the context. For more information, read Device Policy - Settings.
Click on Next to proceed.
Smart Card Enrollment Modes
- Restricted enrollment: when a restricted number of users is authorized to enroll the cards. In this case, you need to define two distinct device policies:
- One to define the endpoints authorized to perform the enrollment, you need to select the Enable Enrollment of the identification devices parameter and associate the policy to the endpoints used by the users authorized to do the enrollment(administrators). The administrators will then deliver the Identification Device to the user.
- Another Device Policy with the Enable ThinMan Smart Identity parameter selected but the enable enrollment of the identification devices parameter unselected, in order the user to be able to access the endpoint with the card.
- Free enrollment: this mode allows each user to do the enrollment of his card. In this case, you need to define only a single device policy to define the endpoints authorized to perform the enrollment and the authentication:
- Create a Device Policy with both parameters (Enable ThinMan Smart Identity, Enable Enrollment of the identification devices) selected and associate it to all the endpoints used by the users. The first time that the user tries his Identification Device, the endpoint asks to enroll the Identification Device by inserting the username, the password, and if requested, the PIN. You do not need to create another Device Policy.
Optionally, indicate a device profile to be apply. For more information, read Devices Policy - Devices Profile.
Use the Classifier, Groups and Devices tab to select which are the endpoints that will use and perform the "Smart Identity" feature. For more information, read Devices Policy - Classifier/Groups/Devices