Through this functionality you can register your ThinMan installation using your MyPraim account. By doing so, you will receive news and products previews, product updates and much more. Consider, the MyPraim account is also essential to use the Praim Technical Support.
If you already have a MyPraim account, click on Register now.
Otherwise, click on Login to MyPraim. It will open a browser. Click on Sign up to create an account.
It is possible to click the Proceed without registering button. However, note that the next time you open the ThinMan console, it will once again prompt you to register your installation
It will open the default Internet browser with a page pointing to Praim's website.
It will open the default Internet browser with a page pointing to MyPraim
It will open the default Internet browser with a page pointing to Praim's Wiki website.
It is used when the Praim Technical Support's team needs to access your ThinMan Server. Do not use it without having open a Support Request. Wait for the Praim Technical Support Team's indication to use it.
You can configure a proxy server to connect the Praim services on the Internet.
Read more about Firewall and Router Configuration and When a proxy server is present in your network
The More Info button will open the Praim Services page.
Click on Proceed to send the data.
If for any reason, the ThinMan server connection is unable to contact Praim Online Services, i.e. it cannot reach (for sending the diagnostic data collection) and (for automatically downloading ThinMan update and its components), it will be not possible to send the diagnostic data collection. The message below will appear.
Check the internet settings (proxy, firewall, ...) or contact the network administrator to re-establish the connection with the services indicated above. Remember that diagnostic data collection is essential in order to obtain prompt and precise Praim Technical Support.
In case your ThinMan server is not connected to the internet you should use the Export Information command to create a file that contains the same information. The generated file should be copied and send to the Support team using other transmit media (mail, share directory, ftp, and so on).
In case your network is protected by a firewall or a proxy, read the Port Utilization section to know which hostnames and ports must be open on proxy or firewall to connect the Praim's servers.
It will open a window reporting the hotkeys available inside ThinMan Local/Remote Console.
It will open the default Internet browser.
It will open a page pointing to the ThinMan Web Server (e.g., in a local console https://localhost ).
On this page, there is useful information about ThinMan Server version and License type. You can also download the latest version of the Agile software and the ThinMan Remote Console software.
Clicking on "Login to ThinMan Web Console" will open the ThinMan Web Console.
ThinMan Web Console is protected by an authentication (read more about ThinMan Access Control).
It will open a new window.
The windows show the installed version of ThinMan and the User and Company who ThinMan is licensed to.
You will also find the Installation History. It is the list of all the installed and upgraded versions from the last to the first version installed.