The .exe file needed in order to upgrade your current installation of Praim Toolkit is the same used for Praim toolkit installation from scratch.
For this reason follow the sequence described on Installing Praim Toolkit about how download the Praim Toolkit Installation file from MyPraim area.
The .exe file required for Praim Toolkit upgrade is hence PRAIMToolkit-x.y.z.exe.
Once obtained the Praim Toolkit installation file as described in the above section you can start with the upgrade procedure.
Run the .exe file.
The upgrade procedure detects the current Praim toolkit versione installed and displays it jointly with the versione the Toolkit will update to.
Click Next to continue.
A progressive bar will show the upgrade status.
A conclusive window will notify you about upgrade procedure ending and the version currently installed.
The Praim Toolkit software is now successful updated.