Before installing...
Before start with Praim Toolkit installation, please read carefully information available about software and hardware requirements at Praim Toolkit Compatibility Matrix page.
You can download the Praim Toolkit installation file from your MyPraim area after you logged in.
In order to retrieve the latest version of Praim Toolkit software, select the option "Toolkit" from the Software menu at the left side.
In the Download section you will find the link to the installation file. Click on it to proceed.
The download detail windows opens. Here you see the size of the file to download and can access the related Release Notes trough the specific link.
After reading carefully the notes, in order to proceed check the box in the lover left corner.
Click on the "Download" button in order to confirm the download starting.
The file will be downloaded.
Run the installation file on the computer where you want to install "Praim Toolkit".
The following window will appear on the display.
Select the appropriate language for the program ("Italiano" as default ) and click "OK" to proceed with the installation.
If the component “Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package” is not installed jet on the system, the Praim Toolkit Installation procedure will provide by itself this required component. Proceed with its installation by clicking "Install" and continue with the Miscrosoft components installation.
Click "Next" to confirm the Praim toolkit installation.
Read and accept the "License Agreement", then click "Next" to continue. It is possible to print the agreement by clicking on "Print".
Type your User and Company Name. Click "Next" to continue.
You may choose a different directory where to install the software by clicking on "Change". Click "Next" to proceed with the operation.
Select the components you need to install. Click "Next" to continue.
Click "Install" to begin the installation. By clicking on "Back" is still possible to change the settings earlier entered.
A status bar will show the progress of the installation. At this point is still possible to quit the operation by clicking on "Cancel".
The software is now installed successfully. Click "Finish" to end the installation procedure.