It is possible to use a prepared USB Key to clone a ThinOX device. In this way you can extract a thin client image and save it on a USB Key, then it is possible to use this USB Key to write the previously saved image on new thin clients.
This procedure is destructive on the destination thin clients. It will remove the thin client license and you have to contact the Praim Support to obtain the correct one. Instead of using this procedure try to restore the thin client using the recovery procedure (see How to create Recovery USB Key for ThinOX for more information).
The first step is to prepare the key in the cloning mode.
Connect an empty USB Key to the PC. Whether the USB Storage Key is not empty you will lose all the data inside it.
Run "ThinOX USB Recovery" software.
Select from the list the inserted USB Key.
Click on "Format USB for Cloning/Backup".
The Cloning/Backup function is only available for the following models: XT Legacy Series, Compact Series and Ultra Series.Click on Yes to proceed.
Confirm the operation clicking on "Yes".
The window will show the operation in progress.
Wait until it finished and click "OK".
Click on "Finish" to continue. Detach the USB Key from the PC (use the Windows procedure to safely remove the USB Key).
The USB Key is now ready to extract and save on itself the thin client DOM (Disk On Module) image.
Use the USB Key as explained in the Booting from USB Key on generic Thin Client model on the master configured thin client to extract its DOM (Disk On Module) image.
Once the USB Key has read a thin client DOM image you can use it on other thin clients to write the saved image.
The procedure is the same as explained in Booting from USB Key on generic Thin Client model with the only exception that a confirmation is required (press "y" and "Enter" on the keyboard when requested) to proceed with the writing.
This operation will clone the first thin client firmware and configuration on all the other thin clients. Pay attention because also the license, the hostname and the IP Address configuration are cloned.The license contained on the cloned thin clients will be not valid. Contact the Praim Support to obtain the correct license.
So you will have all the thin clients with the same hostname (remember to change it after the cloning operation).
Also if a static IP Address is configured on the first thin client the cloned thin clients will have the same static IP Address causing network problem.